i am growing in pots, i pinch my leaf tips the very ends and drop them in the pot, guess what, i have mini plants sprouting several of them, has this ever happened to anyone?
wow fuckin newbies :roffl: :roffl: show me like in missouriopcorn-2: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: Your so good i did not realize you had your hand in my pants Trying to stroke me:roffl: seriously you need to quit drinking the bongwater :roffl:
There are a lot of species of plants that can be cloned like this, but I've never heard of cannabis being one of them. I have seen somebody root a fan leaf though. -tC
Yes you can root a leaf if a stem is on it. I've got a partner that does plant tissue cultures says unless there's a node whatever the part is the tissue comes from Is what you get with cannabis. Some other types of plants you can get any part to make a plant. But weed is one that don't I've had clones that the node went south and just the two leaves stem below the node and roots it was two months old when I gave up on it threw it in the compost pile where it grew until it froze a month late still a set of leaves on a stem :thumbs-up:
This is chof's profile pic on his public profile. If this is actually him then no he is over 18........ If not then I have to wonder why he has a pic of this dude on his profile? :mashed: :roffl: Editops I forgot the pic in the first post! lol :roffl: chof, all joking aside, I'm confused on your "pinching the leaf tips". What does that mean exactly? Are you literally pinching off the tips of just the fan leaves?, or are you pinching off the new growth at the tip of a branch or top? If you are doing the latter then that is called "topping". When you cut or pinch the tip of the new growth off of a branch or top it will cause the branch to grow 2 new tops or branches from the spot where it was pinched. That is also how clones are taken. Cutting the top of a branch off a few nodes down and stick it in moist dirt and yes they will grow roots and form a new plant. Perhaps this is what you have experienced.
Technically speaking, mj can be cloned from any single living cell of the plant. That is if you were capable of processing neucleotides..and such critters.
no, i pinch the tips of all leaves off and another grows quickly, i throw the tips in the dirt and noticed mini plants growing, pinching the tips of the leaves makes the plant produce more resin and more leaf to bud ratio
K, so now the real question is... Why the fuck would you want a HIGHER leaf to bud ratio? Thats like wishing there were MORE DUDES at the party. Or, less money in your account. Or MORE people mooching the current welfare system. Hmmm... upon further introspection, maybe I AM a dick... but dude, you need more BUD to leaf, not the converse. Or maybe I should just read the fuckin sign ===> :trollgo:
bud size is contingent on how many leafs you have this is how the resin is released, therefore more leafs more resin bigger buds
I try hard to stay out of shit like this...but dude, chof, this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Post some pics like Rocky said or stop. I will never understand why people come to places like this and start shit?..dude, if you want to reap all the knowledge that is found here I would suggest you stop or mods will get ya!..just sayn' B4E..:beerchug-2:
True, dat. Any "succulent" will root from asingle "leaf", except they arent really leaves...like a Jade plant, for instance. Im pretty sure any succulent will do it. But...Id need to SEE a MJ growing from a leaf tip, LOL. Sounds like the, how you say, "Caca del toro", to me, senor. Dixie
First off.....its makin mold from deteriorating, then all the bullshit that comes from mold is now in your root system and nothing good comes from that, EVER. Can you explain your thought process on this......More leaves...mean more resin? Which in turn means bigger flowers(buds)?.......Im seriously sorry Chof but that makes ZERO sense
The leaves have nothing to do with bigger bud. Srry no sense bud. Mods will help ya on this. We all have redicolous questions.
Your lack of knowledge is disturbing... *force choke* 'Vapor... release him.' NO. Didn't we have a thread on this a while back and a lot of you took the challenge to root a leaf....? and wasn't it only possible with part of the stem and node as mentioned?
your totally right, but at the same time so is he but in the wrong way. if you grow a small plant it has less bud but a big plant does have more and bigger fan leaves which is wat u want just before flowering to get huge buds u need huge plants,..but the cloning leaf tips utter bull lol,tho i have heard cutting the leaves increases potentcy but not by much, theory i heard is cuz u start like 2 weeks after they sprout. pots defence against anything is thc chem and the skunk smell it releases waaay more like a skunk atleast outdoor plants, so the concept is that it starts working on its defense system earlier cuz its leaves are being attacked, sort of like when u super crop (bend branch in half) that branch becomes dominant cuz its working on defense. i never do it just heard it works and the way it explained to me sounds legit but not sure too much work... asssit: