plants laying on thier side

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by chof, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. chof

    chof Germinating

    my plants are laying on their sides and tops are bent, they are in pots out side, what is the problem is it ok
  2. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    We need pictures to help!

    You have any ?

    Try tieng them down to a straight stick? Is it Raining much? Do you use nutes? Outdoors have animals too.. What is temperature where you are grow outside?
  3. chof

    chof Germinating

    about 70 65 rains often, i just transplanted them, bigger pots manure, peat moos soil mixture raining often will they snap out of it, going to hit them with guano soon?
  4. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Well if they are transplanted then it might be shock. You water them?
  5. wwboy

    wwboy pro grow!


    sounds as if they were (inside) and received poor put em out when they stretched for light and got too tall....they were weak stemed and the wind beat there asses....maybe the manure was hot but im thinking they were weak stemed......they will recover so long as the stem is would be great .
  6. chof

    chof Germinating

    i water them, not to much though, wait untill they get dry how often should i hit them with the bat guano
  7. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Southern hemisphere? It must be spring if you're just starting your outdoor grow. Get some stakes and stake them up, as long as the stem didn't snap all the way through they should be alright. How old are they and how tall are they?
  8. chof

    chof Germinating

    about a foot in length, ive noticed on some the stem is thicking at the top and thinner lower by the surface of the soil, they are only about 5 weeks old and i am in the north hemisphere had to start late, they are early misty
  9. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    ive noticed on some the stem is thicking at the top and thinner lower by the surface of the soil,

    Im sense no support, with loose medium might be the answer. Try tieng them down to a stick, so they can stronger.

    they are only about 5 weeks old and i am in the north hemisphere had to start late, they are early misty

    Cold is coming... Any sign of flowering?
  10. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    FORGET THE GUANO. The plants are in shock. Dont do anything but give them water until they are fully recovered. There's plenty of nutrition in the soil to sustain them while they are recovering. Adding some strong-ass nitro rich bat poop is TOO MUCH added strain for their already weakened condition. Leave them alone and they will recover---fool with them too much and they will die.

  11. chof

    chof Germinating

    give them water when the surface is dry rght?
  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    No....sigh.....When the pot is light or when you stick a finger in and water when the soil is dry to your second knuckle.

    To know when the pot is light simply pick it up after you've watered. It should be heavy. When it's dry pick it up again. It should be lighter. Now you know how much it should weigh when it's dry.

    cheers,'s ALL in the growguide, GrowFaq.......look down there and click away.

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