
Discussion in 'Politics' started by TheApprentice, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    This folks is the halfwit who is our deputy prime minister,take a bow Mr.Nick fuckin nonce:disgust: This guy BTW is leader of the Liberal Democrat party who after the last election had the chance to form a coalition with their natural allies The labour party with Gordon Brown.Instead they went with the Tories:eusa_eh:...they sold out everyone of their voters cos their all liberal politicals at heart.This is him on national TV apologising to his voters for going back on their number one pledge.He sold out on every election promise he made.Anyways for those of you who wanna see how 'quaint' UK politcs is then check this shit out.Nick Clegg An Apology(the remix) can see the real apology which drones on a bit but i prefer the remix version:eusa_dance: Get this,hes gave permission for it to be released as a charity single:roll:

    [YOUTUBE]KUDjRZ30SNo[/YOUTUBE] Apparently hes sorry:eusa_doh:

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