I started a 12-12 a while ago on some young cuttings to sex them. I am using a bubbler with rockwool in clay rocks. Problem is, I have been on a 24 hour cycle and the plants are stuck in this sort of wierd flowering phase. The buds aren't getting huge, but I keep getting small flowers poking out. The leaves don't look normal, however the plant looks healthy. The leaves are single 'prong', not the traditional 5-leave shape which is just plain wierd. Have I stressed it out the plant(s) too much? The are currently under some suped-up floro's now but they will be under a so-Cal sun when they get back to normal...any suggestions/advice. These ladies are far to compromised to take more cuttings and I don't have access to any more mommas. I really don't want to lose these girls! I am a very experienced grower but I haven't come across this before. Thanks for any help given!
i have had to revegg one side of my garden once or twice and what happens is the plant will shoot up those wierd single bladed leaves right out of the bud. they are followed by the double and triple bladed leaves then the normal ones. the process can take from 2-3 weeks to show signs of revegging. when i did it i just used the standard 18\6 they still need some sleep time and to save on elec. how long have you had them back in 24\0? sounds like maybe 10 days? or am i totaly wrong and you want the buds to get bigger and not produce more vegitation? i say revegg 2weeks then take some clones and bust themladies back to 12\12.
Thanks for the reply! I have been on a 24hr for about 3 weeks. Today I put it out in the bright sun and they absolutely exploded! I have been trying to keep them small and get them to veg again -- then re-start the 12/12 under the sun. I just want to make sure that they are good and healthy before starting the new cycle...those leaves were freaking me out. I was thinking I stressed them into hermaphoditehood....hopefully it will be a problem that corrects iteslf. Have you ever put more than one plant in an outdoor bucket/bubbler set-up? I have used a flood system for years but decided to try something different... Thanks again for your time!
yeah it freaked me out the first time i saw it happen. but glad to hear you got everything under control there. no i dont have any outdoor experience, just indoors and i have never used a bubbler, yet just the nft setup. i actualy had a hermie problem but i think it was due to a heat problem or a light cycle fuckup. you will definitly know when that happens.
High Growbros! Those funny looking leaves that happen during reveg are actually converting calyxes. A flower is only a modified leaf, and the calyx doesn't have far to go to reform, when still young. If you watch closely, you will see some turning inside out, putting the resin glands which covered the calyx on the bottom of the leaf. The glands eventually reabsorb. I gave up the presexing stage as lost time for the plants, and possibly confusing their sexuality when real flowering is begun. It seemed that however long it took for them to show, it took twice that to get them back to vegging wholeheartedly. Since the males 'usually' display days ahead of the fems, I simply remove them to a safe place, and tease them along for smokable until the fems are at harvest. I usually wait to clone when I have harvested and revegged. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not visit the fems after a session with the guys, unless you can guarrentee you are pollen free! Good luck , mushbrain...Earth girl shares her realization: You can't hurry love, and you can't hurry mother nature without some kind of payback. (Edited by earth girl at 4:55 pm on Aug. 19, 2003)