Prime Location

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by SecretGrower420, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Found one a couple weeks ago and I've been digging holes since.... still got some work to do but ill post pics once I've planted the clones.

    From the drop off point its a 10 min hike down a trail, then straight into thick bush, which has a ton of thorns everywhere. After 10 mins of hiking through straight up bush my spot has 7 scattered holes ranging from 1 plant to 6 plants. Also there are miniature ponds for a water supply, the soil is perfectly composted from old leaves and grass, so I can't wait to get this started.
  2. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    It's always fun setting up. You should take a before and after shot when you put the clones into the ground then when you go back to chop. It will be a very dramatic difference. Good Luck DSP
  3. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Hell yes! Its always exciting when you find a really good spot. I hope the best for ya, and Im rooting for you the whole way! Lookin forward to seeing the pics! Sounds like you have a good idea of what your doing.. Its a good Idea to plant multiple gardens of a small number of plants around your area.. Rippers may find one patch, and think thats all there is to find, and split.. Leaving you the other patches to harvest ;)

  4. WillGrow4Food

    WillGrow4Food Toker Extraordinaire

    Good luck man, sounds like a good spot, make sure no one can see you from above.

    Then grow that shit.

  5. DaBurner420

    DaBurner420 This Line For Rent.

    Does sound like a good spot. Good Luck :ebert:
  6. qwert

    qwert Established Healthy Roots

  7. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    Piece of advice...take it or leave it, but definitely buy a pistol. I have several reasons for this. One is for some reason, regardless of how empty your spot looks, there will always be some doofy motherfucker coming out to seemingly the middle of nowhere for seemingly no reason, murphys law you know. Second, for some reason weed smokers got this reputation along the way of being pacifists, I'd just hate to see someone find your patch and steal it.
  8. cheebamonkey

    cheebamonkey Harvested Frosty Nugs

    Yep i agree with Gfam all the way ..

    I had 10 plants last year 8 in one spot and 2 in another, and guess what, the mother fuckers stole every last one of them besides the 2 i had in the other spot which still held me through the fall and winter. ended up with about 3/4 of a pound or so... God what i would have had if the others would have been jacked.... Sorry for the language, but it makes me emotional to think of someone stealing my babies after I took care of them all those months for some wanker to just snag then and laugh ... Good luck !!!!!:passit:

    Stole them within hours of my last visit too.... maybe some wildlife cameras wouldnt be a bad Idea either!!! have a few and atleast if they get stolen you have a picture of who it is.
  9. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    What do u plan to use the pistol for?

    Please explain that one...
  10. cheebamonkey

    cheebamonkey Harvested Frosty Nugs

    i agree man, fuck guns, a few bear traps would be better haha.....
  11. cheebamonkey

    cheebamonkey Harvested Frosty Nugs

    I think that would work too , I might try that this year :) :roulette:
  12. ncmaineac

    ncmaineac Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    red bull

    a pistol...the reasons you gave for having a pistol made no sense...what do you do with a pistol..ok you see somone near or at your have a you shoot the a few plants of need for a firearm...if they want the weed that bad...they can have need for a gun...period....
  13. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Your a cunt if you have to fend off a pothead with a gun
  14. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    no no i agree bring a gun if u dont mind getting caught with it when u get busted,i imagine how much people ur gonna tell if u have a gun and u grow dope depending how smart u are... i bring a big knife..not for people lol tho that may be scarier to a person then getting shot, but i bring it out incase i meet up with a bear cus ive found lots of signs where i am that bear are there, and if u pop off a gun someone might call the cops, especially only being a 10 min hike for the guy..if u really wanted to be cruel and u know someone found ur crop, i wouldnt do it but hang fishing hooks attached to green spraypainted fishing line about 4-6 feet off the ground around ur crop so when the theiving mother F***** goes to take it he'll get snagged in his eyeball or ear or only not set out traps because i dont wanna kill animals for no reason . but id love to hurt any thief that came by either way like every1 else is saying put them in groups of 5 or 6 find really good spots u may have to do some hiking, and just hope for the crop also got busted last year abd i thoughtno one could find it, and jus liek the guy up^ they didnt get two that where right around the other side of the bushes :) another way to tell if people are there unless ur flat broke put a toonie or something worth taking on the ground by ur plants , dont make it look like its on display,but rather like u dropped it and if its gone well u know whats up..
  15. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod


    Yeah, let's see. My small patch is worth an assault with a deadly weapon charge. 2-5 years hard. Fuck it! Let-em have it and grow again next year. Besides...they may be armed also and have an armed friend. If I was walking the woods hunting grouse and some shithead shot at me with a pistol, or drew down on me because I accidently stumbled on his grow,there is a good chance one of my hunting buddies would drop him on the spot before he knew there was more than one of us.

    Anybody who takes this advice is clearly NOT rational.

    Holy shit,
  16. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    ya, no offense but a gun is 100% not necessary. My town has a population of 5000 people so worst case someone comes..... I'll beat their ass with my shovel or something :smile: they wont be stealing anything after that, and if they do I'd know who that person is because everyone in the town knows each other pretty much.
  17. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    Sounds familier lol, anyway dont forget the BUGS , in soil like that they thrive.
  18. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    I agree------kinda, some MFs that steal tote too.

    My suggestion is to RETREAT and just let it go.
  19. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Edited: You had your say Chris....tone down the flaming please.

    ~ Herb
  20. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    Again I agree kinda, IN my state we have wild boar and those mfs will kill ya, in other states Mountain Lions can be an issue,Just though about those boys in gator country, HELL ya im bringing my 44

    We also have bear, bob cat ,snakes , and wild dogs.

    Let me tell you bro , wild dogs scare me the most, sneaky MFs.

    As to humans, some as i noted do tote guns too, and some of them

    like little hippies If ya know what i mean.

    But to shoot over a plot IS INSANITY and gives us all a black eye

    and does terrible damage to the cause.

    If at all possible just leave the area in peace and safety.

    Also like to say I act like im hunting sometimes just to have an excuse to be in the area.

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