I managed to get a cpl of my girls planted outside today without my roommate and his plant grazing great dane knowing where I put them. I got out with the chainsaw and strategically cut a few big trees down to block off deer trails and try to channel them around my site. I strung up a cpl rolls of fishing line to help deter deer. I bought some Repelexx deer repelant and some granular deer and critter repelant. After smelling the Repelexx, if deer still come in the area, I don't know what to say. Shit damn near made me vomitt. And it's weather proof, only needs to be applied every three months. I dug up some nice sized holes and put Fox Farm Ocean Forest and some alfalfa based fertz in 'em. Covered the soil up with leaves to disquise where I've dug and retain moisture. My grow site has a several evergreens of all sizes to camofluage them from cops and dnr helicopters in the fall. All in all, it's been a pretty good day.
Sounds like u had a fun day. Im not sure that cutting trees limbs into deer paths will deter them. The fishing line and the cut tree limbs may draw more attention to your site than u think. When choppers are looking from the sky the will be drawn to these clearings and the fresh cut branches will be easily viewable from the sky. When I prep a site, I try to do minimal damage to the area. The only ground i turn up is the holes i am planting in, and I try not to disturb any trees or vegetation G FAM
the trees I cut down were back up into the timber and their trunks were underneath other bigger trees. from my point of view it wouldn't be noticable from the air. its been really stormy round here, trees fall over all the time. I know the deer will still come around there, obviously, but I also know that they are a "lazy" animal. Ive seen trails where they could have easily gone over or through barbed wire fences but instead chose to walk 60 yards up hill along the fence line to where the fence is down. I believe that if they can find away around an obstacle they'd just assume do that than go over or through. Unless they've been spooked. As far as the fishing line goes, I agree it has its risks if some jackass goes wandering through my private property and gets caught up in the shit. I'm not sure if I'll leave it up or not. I gonna put up my wildlife camera to see what the patterns of the deer are in the area. Be interesting to see if all that work did any good.
fishing line When I was about 12 years old, I strung fishing line across my bike trail tree to tree to deter kids from riding my trail. One day a boys father came to my house with his son and asked me if I ran the fishing line across the trail. I told em ya i did. He told me I almost decapitated his son. He showed me the boy's neck where the line had hit him. He had a deep gash all the way across his neck where he was 'clotheslines', It almost severed arteries. I coulda killed the boy.. Just thought i'd share my story with ya.
ya know about the laws regarding growing on your own property right? I used to have plants on my folk's property....perfect spot too, until I heard of a guy losing his land and house, because he was caught growing a couple of plants on his private property anyways, just thought I'd throw it out there in case ya didn't already know :qbluewacko: oh yeah, looking forward to seeing the Caramelicous do her thing...sounds real tasty
Growing inside or out, you risk the same to your property rights, that isn't a big issue considering. If some dumb ass comes riding around YOUR property and hits those lines, they deserve it (and legally you're not liable, in general for that kind of stuff), not to mention, the way you put up lines for deer shouldn't be in a way to "decapitate" a human. I think you got a good thing going, good luck!
not sure where your at but did u notice thats an indoor only strain? might not matter where ur at, here its gotta b od strain or jack frost gets to smoke ur herb
Convict the good news is once they start to flower you dont have to worry about deer anymore!! Deer cant stand flowering plants,, smells to much like Skunk I guess?? Not shure why they wont eat a flowering MJ plant but they wont ,,Good luck with your Grow
I wonder if you put out stinky mature plant, would they still eat it if it was starting to reek? Or do they just not like the flowers?
Stink I noticed that if a plant even has a pungent smell, not necessarily budding, the deer wont fuck with it. Its the small tender sprouts that are most likely gonna be eatin by mice, deer, etc. Once the plant matures the branches get more starchy, bitter, and harder, which are less tasty to critters. But I once had a 2 year old plant that I put outside and trained the branches so it stayed low. I caught a woodchuck climbing the branches and eating the budding tops off of it. To see a full grown woodchuck climbing a pot plant u know that your branches are very strong. I use the supercropping technique. Mind you the groundhog did brake branches. So I sat in wait with a .22 n blasted him the next time he came to catch a buzz.. G-fam
When I originally ordered the strain they were calling it an indoor/outdoor strain. After receiving the beans they switched it to indoor. I contacted them and their response was that herb can grow anywhere, indoors or out. My initial response was "yeah no shit". Made me feel kinda dumb. They labeled indoors, because the strain may not do as well in certain climates, but will still grow outside. I've already made the investment and put work in so I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I'll post some pics this weekend man. I appreciate your interest GF, been busy as hell. I guess that's a good thing. One thing about workin a legit job, work ten times as hard n make ten times less, :scream: but at least it's legit. Girls are lookin good, they've reached their alleged maximum height and just started to flower, which I think is weird that they're already flowering. My only guess is with all the rain, got their lighting fucked up. I kept one male, with plans to harvest the pollen and cross pollinate with White Shark and Blueberry. Only problem is I don't have a clue how to harvest pollen, been lookin around on here, but can't find nothing helpful. You seem pretty knowlegeable GFam, can ya point me in the right direction?
soloflyer1 was telling me latly about freezing pollen in a jar and silica pack for moisture. ive harvested pollen in an envelope, so it can breath,i also put some in a glass testube and a few days later it molded,solo sayes he thinks it will last about a year or so to freeze it,im going to try it. to cross it i single out a branch tie on some thread so i can remember which one it was then i use a q-tip and dab it on.make sure the fan is off so you dont pollenate others.im sure there is other ways but that works for me depending on how agressive you get, i probly get about 10 or so seeds and 7or8 will usely germinate. good luck
Yea I was following that thread and have a better understanding how to apply the pollen, but how do I go about actually harvesting it. I've never had any interest in male plants. I'm not really even sure if I have to wait till it flowers and what tol take off the plant. Don't Know shit about it all, I'm not sure what to look for.
First of all, I hope the males and the females are segregated somehow... lol But anyway, here's how to harvest some pollen. Take a paper plate, and hold it under a branch that has some male flowers that are opening... Tap the branch so that pollen falls on the plate. You should notice the yellow powdery stuff on the plate. Occasionally, flowers or other plant material will fall on the plate too. Remove it. You can mix it with some flour that has been dried in an oven for a little bit (let it cool) and this will give you a "carrier", kinda of diluting it, and making it easier to work with. Store it in the freezer in an airtight container, and it should last you a little while.
carmelicious picsHere's some of my Carmelicious, not the site that I orginally started this post, as all but the male I kept for pollen didn't survive for various reasons. There's five here and a couple stray White Shark in the back. The White shark just appeared from last years crop. Bitch threw that rug out there just to piss me off.:idgaf: She's lucky it didn't hit em...:evil4: /monthly_2008_06/57a6c9b079fff_bud069.jpg.15b25a799bd3ad16c8662ae62cf2b1db.jpg /monthly_2008_06/57a6c9b07e9b8_bud070.jpg.78f57dbec42f9430f681ff626c78275b.jpg