Do you think this plant can finish up, around oct. 15th, 23 more days. I am going on vacation on the 20th, and I want to take alot of it with me. I personally think it will be close but what do you think? I am just talking about the plant in the first 3 pics not the other ones, I think the others will be done late oct. provided teh weather holds warm enough. there is a few other pictures of some of my girls, If i let all these plants max out, I might be looking at close to half pound, or maybe more. I am quite happy that some of these shitty girls are showing some decent flowers.
I think in 23 days it should be ready but who looks to be an indica sativa mix so it wont need alot of time. Usually when the buds look ready (like some good looking cronic) wait another week and it will be perfect. Time will only tell.