
Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by BlazethatShiat, Nov 30, 2003.

  1. BlazethatShiat

    BlazethatShiat Veggy Stage

    is it true hydro is better and gets u higher
  2. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:Nope, i feel that it's mostly genetics to blame...

    ...hydro is simply for people that like to complicate there lives; or uncomplicate there lives(like in my case)...depends on how u look at it...

    :bong:Even Organic Soil Have their pros&cons...jus like hydro.  

    :sun:I also believe that your growspace will dictate the best Method!:sun:

    (Edited by ismoke2much at 11:44 am on Dec. 22, 2003)
  3. nice1bruv

    nice1bruv Germinated

    Smoke, i agree with your last point.

    if you are growing in a closet or something, soil would probably be easier. but if you had a big set hydro may be easier.

    but the answer to your q. blaze is NO it is just a different method of growing the same plant and it basically comes down to personal preferences.

    ONEBUDHEAD Germinated

    Total bullshit,hydro is like steroids for a plant if you are doing it right.Soil has to break everything down to use it, hydro drinks it right up.Which means more yield and if you use organic additives you can almost have the same taste.But you are right it is easier.

    (Edited by ONEBUDHEAD at 11:07 am on Dec. 22, 2003)

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