I know my indoor flower times........If i take a clones outside after june 21 will it still be 7-8 weeks or will it go longer?
Nature flips the switch no matter what size your plants are. I'm not sure if the budding times would differ if you were to grow a strain you've previously grown indoors, but if there is a difference I'm sure there isn't much.
By me choosing 21 june as a set out date im the one flipping the switch. But was just wondeing if anyone had any experince growing an indoor strain outside and if it takes longer and all thanks assit:
Doesn't matter the age of the plant. The switch will flip around the same time the sun/moon cycle hits 12/12.
that be 21 june right? days start getting shorter? I think i just answerd my own question......days start getting shorter on 21 june but we may not see 12/12 till july.....dunno need to consult my almanac......anyway If i wait till the days are 12/12 or less than i should ne on target for strain finish However if the days are still over 12/12 on 21 june than i will have to wait untill the cycle catches up adding im guessing 2-4 weeks to strain finish so if it finishes in 7 weeks and i put them out 21 june i would have to add however long it takes for night to be longer than day to strain finish Correct?
Depends on your latitude. In Minn. at 45 degrees lat we get 12/12 around Sept 24. The farther south the longer the days. June 21 in the LONGEST day of the year.
So that info is in my almanc correct.... lat and all that is.Tts a local one for SHIT........... Fuck em NC Yup and if im correct the moon will be waxingassit: Seems like a good time ?
Right. Depending on where your at, you're looking at late OCT-late NOV to finish unless it's an autoflowering strain. Starting from June 21, you're basically looking at 10-12 weeks of veg. So they're gonna get kinda large. So make sure ya got a seclued place or LST.
OUtdoor is a much more gradual change man. It isn't like it just starts flowering one day and BAM. You could see early bud formation in August. Or not. Depends on what your growning and where your at. In a natural setting MJ doesn't give 2 fucks about 12/12. It wants to just pollenate or be pollinated before the seasons over so it can procreate come sping. Once you do it once though. Keep track of it and write down dates, like when you see preflowers, finish date, blah, blah (which I always forget to do!GRR ), and see how it does in your area. That way next year you'll be ahead of the game.
Yup its going to be a fun year i think. Im using mainly buckets though i plan to have a few inground grows to. I bury my buckets and they stay cooler, moister and will wick up water when it rains plus with only 5 inches of it sticking out the ground the weeds tend to conceal them Ya 12/12 to nature is more like 14 h 44 mins lol. assit:
Now you're on target. That's the problem with northerm climate outdoor grows. We can get killing frosts or even snow in late October only weeks into full flower. Or it can stay balmy until mid November. You just never know. If you follow your planting schedule those plants should be trees in November around harvest time. cheers,
Damn good advice right there. :thumbsup: You mean we're supposed to keep track of when we see flowering begin? Damnit Jim! :icon_confused:
Yeah, for me, I don't see flowering until mid-late august, and i'm pretty far north, but at that time the sunlight is still around 14 hrs or 13hrs, so it really depends on the strain. 12/12 doesn't apply outdoors. I had the same question when I first started