
Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by dr dave0902, Jan 4, 2004.

  1. dr dave0902

    dr dave0902 Germinated

    how long does it take on average for the plant to reach sexual maturity and ready to go into flowering stage?
    and is there any way of finding out a strain of plant you have i got 4 seeds off of a friend he said there like 3 for a hundred dollars but he didnt say what they were any guess?
  2. mikehelpneedit

    mikehelpneedit Veggy Stage

    its ready as soon as you find out the sex , if u have a mother and keep it going for long enuff it will keep getting more mature and start too flower much quicker when u switch over too 12/12
  3. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    It varies from strain to strain and also environment, but the norm is 6 weeks.

    Plants indicate sexual maturity by growing alternate nodes (branches).

    In an immature plant, the branches on opposite sides will be at the same level.

    When you take a clone of a sexually mature plant, the clone, small as it is, is ready to flower, because it is the dame age as the mother plant.

    By taking clones from clones from clones, you can keep a mother alive for many years (under artificial conditions, inside), however after a few years they lose vigor, since marijuana is an annual plant.
  4. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    ranger is dead on.You can expect the plant to express maturity between 6 - 8 weeks.As far as determining strain: That is very difficult to do because alot of strains resemble one another.Ie distinguishing between WW,white rhino,k2,and white russian is almost impossible. $100 for 3 seeds....very unlikely.
  5. nikidog

    nikidog Germinated

    Another guide I use is height and age,

    It is usually not productive to flower anything less than 8" in height,

    Remember that a plant will double or triple in size after flowering is initiated and it is ready,

    IE- start to flower at 12" expect to finish 24-36",

    This therory works well for me as I grow indoors and have a limit on height,

    You would not want to flower at say 24" if you did not have the room (they will get bushy) and the proper light to fill the lower canopy,

    I usually top or start to train at the 6th node and start to flower at 4-6 weeks,

    Calculate your max height and that will help you determine when to start flowering,

    Remember them dudettes will get big with any luck and you want to hae the light and room to handle them,

    Also while it is very possible, it is unlikely that you have hundred dollar seeds, if it is really true your friend can send me a few! Otherwise tell him to stop pissing on your leg,

    It is a good idea to learn the ropes first before you grow "expensive" strains, bag seed beans (what you probably got) can be just as stony if done properly as some fancy dancy Holland strain,

    45 days, is the minimum start to finsh time not reccomended

    8-12 weeks is more realistic start to finish

    Good luck
  6. dr dave0902

    dr dave0902 Germinated

    thanks for the info guys ;) its helps me out a bit. i have plants now that i am growing there bagseed but the seeds he has he produced himself from his plants by forcing them to seed by stress. the finished buds he gets are very potent and tasty i know there not bagseed but i have no clue to what they are he has a very exstensive set up
  7. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    "Forcing them to seed by stress".

    I think your friend knows less re: mj cultivation than you believe.

    Only 1 way I know of to send a mj plant into flowering, and that's by cutting the light cycle or intensity.

    And by saying the seeds are $100.00 for 3 is just plain nuts.
  8. brim69

    brim69 Guest

    you guys seem helpful, so Im gonna ask your opinion. I have a 6'wth x 8'l x 7'h enclosure in basement(where else?). 3 seedlings (blueberry), 2x 50w HPS 3x 48" flouros. I did line the walls will foil(shiny side out, found out I was wrong according to posts here) also about 8 12"x12" mirrors. Temp is 72-75 constant. humid is 20-22% fresh air ciculating. I used miriclegrow potting mix in 10"pots, fishpump aerator for bottled water(got freebee conections). I mist them every other day, water maybe the same. Had some yellowing on tips, figure it was fert burn. but nothing to worry about. 1 is doing much better than rest. btw, they are all feminized seeds i started. also I should mention.growing area is on a card table, so mirrors are right next to them.lights are no more than 8 inches away.Im in no rush on these things. they're about 7inches after 3wks, vegging at a steady rate, nothing to brag about. Ive read sooo much my eyes hurt. should I buy a 400wattHPS? have bulbs,(from job), no balasts'. ill post a pic next chance. hopefully someone has some ideas. thanks peeps.
  9. nikidog

    nikidog Germinated

    Well ill throw my 2 cents in,

    Im not sure about the mirrors, Ive never heard of that but im no growmaster either,

    Ive heard a flat white or dull side of foil works best,

    As far as the light, more light is ALMOST always better,

    However, more light can also translate to more heat, usually basements run cool rather then warm anyways,

    I put bud out the first two of my four year run on just flouros, not reccomended but do-able for sure,

    I would try to get a small box or table fan to keep air moving and the stalks nice and tough,

    Also I dont know about the miracle grow personnaly but if it has miracle grow food in it witch it probably does your most likely right about the fert burn I wouldnt use it next time try to find some "Organic black gold" soil at a nursery or something like it next time,

    But for now have fun learning, If you go to a HPS, make sure you do the wiring right and have the proper ballast, (see post 220 volt ballast question in beginner forum)

    Good luck
  10. imsoxited

    imsoxited Developed Alternating Nodes

    Hello brim69. A couple suggestions to help you out. Instead of asking your questions inside another post, start a new thread, so we all know the ? has been asked. And had you done a search here for the answer to your ? you would have found this post

    All the info is there in great detail to help ya out. GT420 knows his ****.

    Not trying to be rude, just helpful. Welcome aboard.

    Later, IMSOXITED
  11. dr dave0902

    dr dave0902 Germinated

    he gets his plant to seed, i have seen it. no males around either he said he like half way snaps a branch and then ties it and tries to heal it, its hard to explain but i think you know what i mean and the plant goes to seed i guess has any one else ever heard of this or no? is this foolishness?
  12. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***


    Only one way to make a seed and that's to get pollen on a female pistil.

    That's it. No immaculate conception. If he has plants that produce seeds he's either got a male plant of more likely a hermaphrodite.
  13. brim69

    brim69 Guest

    appreciate the heads up. I did check out that post, and found some more info than I had previously any where else..a most humble bows to Greenthumb for the knowledge. Last I did this was 20 yrs ago in moms tomato garden. I figure with time comes trial and error. The organic fert sounds promiseing, any input on fresh horse manuer(spelled wrong)? obviously the stench isn't a factor here. The mirrors I used to compensate for the lack of strong lighting and reflection. Kinda on a budget, (house,kids bills ...) so just trying to be a "MacGyver" and see what sprouts. Thanks again for the info guys.
  14. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Mirrors in the grow room--bad.

    Especialy with an HID.

    Mirrors "focus" light, like a magnafying glass on a sunny day, and can burn holes in your plants.

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