R.i.p #1.

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by grower_on_da_rock, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. grower_on_da_rock

    grower_on_da_rock Germinated

    My best beggest plant has been violently eaten by something big. Needless to say whatever it was got fucked up. The plant was super potent.FUCK! R.I.P #1. ALSO IT ATE ANOTHER one as well both in full flower. And a few weeks back had ate another. 3 females eaten. First i lost a few to snails and slugs. Now a fuckin cow! I think it got away from a nearby farm. I will post the pics of #1 before and after once i get to a computer. HAS ANYBODY HEARD OF CANNABIS BEING EATEN BY COWS BEFORE? IS THIS COMMON? There was other plants in buckets soooo close it couldent have been rippers. What action should i take to prevent a total loss? Help!
  2. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    Electric fence.
  3. daytrypper

    daytrypper A Fat Sticky Bud

    You can get solar powered fence chargers as well.
  4. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Did you check for foot prints or hoof prints a cow has got to leave some hoof prints they weigh 2000 pounds where a ripper wouldn't .-Bud
  5. grower_on_da_rock

    grower_on_da_rock Germinated

    Hahaha. Lol. Thats funny bout the land mines. I WAS THINKING about the gun thing the lawn chair is an excellent idea. Only bummer is i dont own a gun. And noone will just loan you one. I HAVE barricaded my plants that are mobile with a bunch of deadfall for now. I HAVE TO get my partner(my brother) to help protect the others tomorrow. ABOT FROST? we get early frosts here. But still pretty hot in the days should i pull whats left if i hear of frost coming? They survived spring frost so will thhey handle a few light fall frosts?
  6. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion


    cow barrecade deer and other wild critters i go to the hair salon and get the cut hair and hang all around in a nylon stocking keeps the deer and elk out of the orchards change every few weeks :bong2: :passit: :fly:
  7. grower_on_da_rock

    grower_on_da_rock Germinated

  8. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion


    sounds like:bong2: :passit: :fly: :roulette: :qleft7: :qleft2: :qleft2: :qleft6: :qright7: :qleft1: :qright2: :qright1: :qright6: :qleft5: :new_snipersmilie: :qleft3: :qright5: :qright4: its time for some stake and roast and some ribs on the barbie
  9. skunkrnaught

    skunkrnaught Flying magic hemp carpet

    OK this is funny shit. I don't think the usual critter ridders are going to work here. That cows not afraid of humans. The electric fence would work but that takes the stealth out of it. I propose calling in the butcher. A .22 cal behind the ear and a chain saw to 1/4 it. Problem solved, or you could just find somewhere else to grow. Oh you might need to buy a bigger freezer.

  10. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion


    still like the steak in the freezer idea:bong2: :passit: :fly:
  11. big t double

    big t double i finally changed this

    :rofl: holy cow (pun intended) man did you seriously tell this guy to hack up a murdered cow out next to his dope plants with a chainsaw......i love cows, i dont know why, i dont live on a farm and never have.....i jus like cows......i could never be a butcher......i do like a fat ass cheesburger tho, im no pita freak.........sorry to hear about your plant tho g o d r......that sux ass.......bad cows.
  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Mad stoner cow on the loose! Is it a beef or a milk cow? If it's milk then she's giving some mighty potent shit into the machine.

    Sorry bout the plants, but this is hilarious.
  13. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

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