Rain Rain

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by blah blah boy, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Due to all this FUCKNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN rain I can't plant anything outdoors. It is getting to late and the rain wont stopppppppp. It's been like three fucken weeks of this on and off again shit.
    Mother nature is on it's natural downward slop of the light cycle so I only have 8" clones if I could plant this upcoming week.

    Whatcha all think? Should I still do it? Whatcha think the yield will be?

    I might plant and see if mother nature wont wash her away. :smile:
  2. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Get your ass out there and plant some trees! Run or shine. I actually prefer to plant in the rain. Less chance of gawking fucks to be out meandering around.. Noones looking out their windows when its raining.. U could be in some ones sideyard, planting in their hedgerows, and they wouldnt see ya. Get out there man. Its JULY already! ;)

  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Rain? Big effing deal. Put-em in the dirt. Pick an area with decent drainage and just do the deed.

    If you don't ever plant them what will you get? Nuthin! If you plant them and lose half at least yer in the game. Waiting for perfect weather is like waiting for the perfect opportunity or the perfect woman (or man as the case may be). It just simply don't exist.

    cheers dude.:passit: ......now go get yer shovel and grow some pot.
  4. Convict

    Convict Veggy Stage

    Yea what they said, and you won't even have to carry any water with you. Sounds good to me!

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