Respect to all outdoor growers!

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by canadian123, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    Well I just got back from getting my 30 plants into a swamp. I started at 7am filling 5gal grow bags and finished at 7pm by spraying the plants with plantskydd deer repellent.....I had to carry 4 bags two in each hand (extremely heavy) into the swamp at a time over fallen down trees and slippery rocks got my foot stuck in the mud 100

    Anyone one who plants this volume of MJ on the woods or more is a hero in my books!......

    The hard work is over for the most part next step is plumbing my irrigation system then from there its pretty much automated......Toss pump in creek fill 55gal barrel add nutrients/ph water--- toss pump in barrel and connect irrigation fitting......twiddle my thumbs and play with the girls for 15min while they get fed then go home!.......

    Here's to all the guerrilla growers cheers and may your bounty be plentiful :thumbsup:


    oh ya and I have a terrible sun burn also pretty sure I have heat stroke been puking since I got home......oh man what a day...
    Mr Douglas and ResinRubber like this.
  2. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Got 45 babies of my own out in the wilderness. It is REALLY hard work getting everything set up/maintaining it all. Good luck to you with your babies, could we get a picture or two sometime?:smokin:
  3. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Ok forgive me but I want to hear more about the irrigation you got going on.

    I too am going it in the swamp soon.:wink: Good luck to you also.

    I planed on just letting mother nature do it's charm and see what I got. For this yr.
  4. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    True enough, im not true guerilla style but is work, props to you
  5. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    Hey guys I will get some pics the next time I'm out there just didn't have anytime the other day. :thumbsup:

    My irrigation setup is fairly simple my spot has a natural spring that turns into a creek I dammed it up a bit to make a 12'' deep pool. I have a 1000gph submersible pump I bought for $50 on sale it accepts a regular garden hose. The Creek is lower then my plants so I will be pumping up about 15ft into my barrel then from there out to the plants.

    I will be running 100ft of 3/4 garden hose from one plant to the next at each plant I will install an emitter barb and 1/4" line to each plant no dripper just straight 1/4" line. I will be powering the pump with a 1300watt 4 stroke generator I picked up used for $80.

    The swamp is my property so I do not have to worry about anyone hearing me or people wandering around....I will be employing camo IR trail cameras when we get closer to harvest so if anyone does stumble upon my crop I get some good pics of them and pay back will be a bitch :smokin:

    I'm not sure this irrigation system will be 100% or not but I do not want to hand water 30 individual plants sometimes 3 times a week depending on heat....

    What are you outdoor growers using for nutrients? I picked up some Jungle Green 17-15-17 made by Future Harvest I use their 3part system with great success in my indoor grows so figured I would stick with them.....They also have an early flowering (first 3 weeks after blooms start) formula 12-34-12 and late flowering (last 3-4 weeks) 9-47-9....
  6. Psycho D


    Good work! Trudgeing that out to the swamp ain't easy. Might I suggest (if ya haven't thought of it already) a marine pump and battery. Virtually no noise and, you could leave the hose and pump buried in a box nearby and just take the battery out when you need a recharge. Good stuff, I love hearing about ganja ninjas. :)

  7. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    Thanks man!

    running a generator is no biggy.....marine pumps wont lift the water that high if your referring to bilge pumps that is....the marine pressure pumps cost a lot and draw quite a few amps I would easily kill a battery every trip using one.....I have an extension cord running from the trail where I leave my quad to the pump location so I leave the generator in the back of my quad and plug in the cord.....its pretty simple all I have to carry in is my pump and that's it oh and my meters plus nutrients. :thumbsup:

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