Salmon Dinner.

Discussion in 'The 'Kind Kitchen' started by Randy High, May 14, 2007.

  1. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Here is a nice quick meal.

    Salmon , Brussels Sprouts and half a squash with cannabutter.

    It's something that will be with you all day.

    If ya can't do the time don't do the crime.

    It was Tasty! Salmon_dinner_wcannaSquash.jpg
  2. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    bleh, blah, and blegh!

    You just named the foods I hate! Well, havn't tried brussel sprouts so I can't count that, but everyone knows the rep.

    If you would have added some mushrooms youd have it nailed.
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    LOL Cannagirl :laughing5:

    More a steak girl?

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