[||||] S A L M O N H U S S E I N [||||] "The Senate on Wednesday voted narrowly against drilling for oil in the Alaskan wildlife refuge, dealing a crippling blow to the central element of the Bush administration's energy plan." (LAD/3/20) Whose typically arrogant proponents lobbied furiously for "regime change" in an ecosystem dominated by the inhumane dictatorship of the Grizzly.
Things like this only hurt us by making us more dependent on forgein oil. Thank you Senate, thanks for letting down your people.
jr. makes us more dependant on foriegn oil, not the senate. Shortly after he took office he stated that there was no need to conserve oil or invest in alternative sources of energy. Anyway, I guess the humor of the article was over everyone's head who replied.
I thoguht it was funny and found it even funnier to have SS take it seriously, shows just how heavily his arguements should be taken
Im sorry. I thought ranger was being serious. http://www.usatoday.com/money....e_x.htm It is a dissapointment to me to hear such things. Even to Alaksan Senator Stevens. I just find it disgusting that they wouldnt allow it. Especially since its a republican senate now.
ss, your statement reminds me of a quote I heard the gov. of Alaska say about 10 tears ago. "You can't just let nature run wild." Honest, I saw him say it. He was advocating having the gov't shoot wolves from planes to "increase the number of caribu(sp)" so hunters would have more caribu to kill. What he didn't realize is that wolves attack/eat only dead/dying/weak caribu, keeping the herd strong. Wolves mainly eat rodents. Rodents mainly eat seeds. Caribu mainly eat plants. Ergo, less wolves = more rodents = less plants = fewer caribu. Which is exactly what happened.
I smell wisdom in your words Ranger, even when I have to sort through the post to find it, sometimes its something else completely but not this time. LMAO, Sylent you really show your intelligence lad. Drilling in Alaska...Moron, the planet isn't your strip mine to rape and pillage like we do to third world Countries. Christ I'd like somewhere other than Florida to retire...by then Florida will wreak of dirty depends and Prep-H ! Leave something unspoilied. I'm moving to Canada ! Well after they ship bonez to Palistine with the words "I hate sand niggers" tatooed on his forehead in Arabic. Virtua:
I agree VG.(except for the rape & pillage 3rd world countries part. That was Saddam's job, not ours.) Once its gone, you cant just wave a magic wand and bring it back.
son, what 3rd-world countries did sadam rape and pillage? Vietnam? El Salvador? Nicarauga? Panama? Chile? Palistine? VG: "after they ship bonez to Palistine with the words "I hate sand niggers" tatooed on his forehead in Arabic." cracked me up.
Ranger, what the **** does that have to with my post?? and yes, for your information, you cant just let nature run wild. Why do you think the Humane society asks that you spade and nueter your pets? Why do you think they drive and pick up strays off the street or injured on the side of the road. Why do you think its almost impossible to find a wild horse anymore? Because its inhumane to let nature run wild. Unless ofcourse everyone is willing to give up thier cars and trains and ride bikes everywhere and live like savages again. People need to live to. Were not all tree huggin hippies like ranger.
I can't stand by here, Pets (cats and dogs) are not natural animals in most environments Horses are not endemic to america, the feral horses are rounded up to protect the cattlemans interest. Why not get back to a simpler mode of travel? If we were to raise the CAFE minimums you could still get your fat ass down to the 7-11 for another bag of cheeto's and the pizza delivery guy could still get to your house without having to damage another part of the planet, but that would cut into oil profits.
If it wasn't for people there wouldn't be any cats or Dogs even in places like Australia ! Hell if it wasn't for people messing with cross-breeding half of the species wouldn't exist for us to worry about. He was trying to simplify things for people with a lower IQ than even JR. so they might be able to grasp a concept....seems it didn't work with you....Not sure he can dumb it down any lower....seems your going to be left in the dark a little longer. Arrogant people are what is going to destroy this planet, not some stupid space rock or Earthquake. Virtua:
Your right THC, and forget about modern medicine, technology, heat for your homes, food for your family, space travel, etc... By giving up cars,trains and planes your giving up everything else too. Why do you want to live like its 1850?
Don't be an ass, with our technical resources it should be easy enough to raise the minimum mpg just for a start. How much money did gw pledge for hydrogen fuel development? I think it was 15 bil. How much for the days weaponry 10 bil? maybe more. I don't think that its necessary to have all the crap we have now to live a good life, if we continue on this path of consumerism we'll hit the necessity for living simpler eventually. At that point there won't be an oppurtunity to try anything as radical as raising the minimum mpg.
Time to come up with and "implement" a clean and profitable fuel alternative. We cant continue to disregard our planet. the idea of profit before environmental protection is foolishness...Time to see some CEO pay cuts in the name of saving this planet from toxic death.