seedling leaves curling down - help

Discussion in 'Grow Log Forum' started by DXE, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. DXE

    DXE Moderator

    GreetingsYesterday I moved my seedlings ( 9 days under incubator) to the larger t5 array in the Veg tent to make room in the incubator.Temp in there is 78F under the lights, 76 above the lights. Relative humidity 22%. Cups have some weight to them so I dont think they are dry. I have one oscillating fan on low in the tent.After an overnight in the veg tent the main leaves are curling down a bit (see photo)Advice??


  2. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    They look over watered and too far from the light (the stretching).
  3. DXE

    DXE Moderator

    View attachment 17712

    I moved the ones with the curling back to the incubator, added some potting soil to support them and put a support straw in there. Left the other 2 in the tent.While in the tent light was 2 inches from leaves.Here is a pic of the four with the curing leaves in the incubator.. I left the other two under the t5 for now as they looked fine.Will check on them in a couple hours...Do I just let the soil dry naturally? They dont feel wet but what do I know :) IMG_1877.jpg

  4. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    they don't like wet soil...moist is the word you are looking for. I agree with MG's statements.

    Let them dry completely before watering...over watering is as bad as drought
  5. DXE

    DXE Moderator

    Safe to leave them in the veg tent or do they need to be on the heated matt in the incubator?
  6. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Veg tent imo..but you are there so you would know better than I what they feel like. Make sure there is good air movement though, you don't want to trap in all that moisture, nor do you want to blast those little guys with a huge fan

    Watch the stretch on them so you don't have to transplant to early. You're doing good man, don't stress over the little things, you seem like you have a knowledge and everyone here will help.

    you do have drainage in those cups, don't you?
  7. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Safe where they are. Let the soil dry out before adding more water. A simple test is to stick your finger in the soil up to the middle of your finger. If it feels moist at all, leave it. If it feels dry, water. Do you have holes in the bottom of your cups? Sometimes people forget to put holes in the bottom for drainage.
  8. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I was gonna say the same thing about the drainage holes. Make sure there are enough drainage holes in the cups and make sure they are large enough to allow air to enter the root zone as well as allow good drainage of the soil. I like ot put a couple in the very bottom but I also like to poke several around the base on the sides to allow for air flow through the root zone.

    What's you soil mix in the cups? Just curious if it could be a little hot for seedlings. I always mix some seed starter mix into my Roots Organic Formula 707 at about 50% to lighten it up and make sure that it's not too hot for the little tender seedlings. :passsit:
  9. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    I think his mix is a bit hot for them. I know it's not a seedling mix & i can't remember what he said he used, only that I though it could be a bit on the hot side for seedlings. If my intel is correct then he only watered them once a couple of days before there was any sign of a problem. The cups were reportedly "light" prior to their first watering & he said they were "lightly watered". I have to admit though that they do appear to be over watered.

    His cups do have drainage holes but perhaps a few more wouldn't be such a bad idea. I general put an 1/8" hole in each corner of the solo cups so that's what I suggested he do.

  10. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I take it he's a friend of yours? That's coolio to have a friend to call for help.

    It looks a lot like "eagle claw" to me caused by too hot of a soil mix for those little guys. I've seen it a hundred thousand times. Very, very common rookie mistake. If it's just a little hot then they may make it through and start growing normally after a little time. If it's far too hot, the leaves will burn and the plant will probably stunt and die. You'll know fairly quickly whether or not they will pull through. :passsit:
  11. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    Yeah man, we've known each other from another shared hobby many years ago. However live several hours apart so Ive not really been able to provide any hands assistance. Heck I've been telling I don't really know jack & he should post more questions here. :roffl:

    I feel confident that great things will be coming from DXE's garden.

  12. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    Ok so he put the seedlings in FFOF. Any suggestions or do you guys think they'll pull through on there own?
  13. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    FFOF is a little hot for seedlings for sure. I've seen seedlings pull through and do ok though. Only time will tell. There's not a lot you can do at this point. They are too fragile to try and transplant at this stage. I think if anything once they dry out and it's time to water them again try running some extra water through them to flush the soil a little bit, but make sure there is adequate drainage and air flow so they don't get water logged and rot on you.

    If you were to try and transplant them I think it would do more harm than good seeing as how they are so little that their roots are very fragile at this point and just a little damage could do them in. I think the best bet is to just give them a little time and see if they can get some leaves growing and utilize those nutes in the soil rather than burn up from them.
  14. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    Agreed :thumbsup:

  15. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    I'd agree with y'all on to hot a mix. When I overwatered they drooped some but they also turned banana yellow. But I'm not a doctor.........I just play one on tv:roffl:. Keep it up, you're starting off better than I did :passsit:
  16. DXE

    DXE Moderator

    Thanks all for the advice. Rookie mistake using medium with nutes and most likely over watering....Anyway - this morning here is how the babies are looking - gonna ride this out and see what happens


  17. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Well, they're still green. They look like they may pull through.

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