seeds to rockwool, feeding?

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by YoungBudUK, Aug 6, 2003.

  1. YoungBudUK

    YoungBudUK Guest

    Hi, please can someone tell me if i should be feeding my 2 day old seeds that i have in 25mm rockwool cubes?[​IMG]?
  2. hydro convert

    hydro convert Developed Alternating Nodes

    At this poitn they should only be wet with water. No ferts until 2 weeks, then only 1/3 strength dose.
  3. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien: I have successfully fed my 4-5 day old seedlings with earthworm castingz inside a teabag. U should only feed your seedlings once your cannabis rootz start poking right thru the bottom of your rockwool.

    I stuffed my earthworm castings inbetween 2 coffee filters rubberbanded togeter; allowin' my teabag to float in a bucket of water(about 3-4 gallonz worth). Let it sit overnight and leave your teabag floatin until you've depleted your 3-4 gallon solution. Alwayz keep your earthworm bucket uncovered(aeration).

    You can now directly water your rockwool seedlings safely. :light: I've safely done this for the first 2weekz.:light:

    (Edited by hellostupid at 4:26 am on Aug. 9, 2003)

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