If I was in iraq as a civilian or a minister/leader I would be shitting myself seeing as we have only started to erradicate them. I watched the shock and awe attack in baghdad and it was insane, there were 2 other cities being hit with the same force at the same time. Anyone who says our militiary isn't put together well, or they don't know what their doing is a moron. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/21/sprj.irq.war.main/index.html Go there find the video section then look for the picture of an explosion, and play the video and watch. Hopefully you have java enabled. ENJOY THE FIREWORKS!!!
I care why? You left wing liberals seem to forget, if you don't like it, get your ass over in iraq. It's them or us. If they bombed us and killed your family you would see that. Until you realize this, you will be doomed to die a horrible death because you don't believe in acting before being acted upon. To answer your statement : This is a celebration, to me those explosions are "Fireworks of Freedom", open your eyes and you will see them too.
Why is it them or us? you right wing reactionaries all have the same argument- kill or be killed. They haven't bombed us, the Saudi's are more responsible as a government for the attacks on 9/11 than any other regime, why aren't you calling for their deaths? How many Iraqi's were on the planes that day? As far as being doomed- no death would be so horrible as to warrant the taking of innocent lives. I'm at peace with myself, can you say the same? I really don't care whether you understand this or not, and you won't until you hold someone dieing in your arms. If you are so gung-ho get in the service. I've served my country, have you?
I probably will go into the service. I have held someone dieing in my arms, my grandmother, when she died of cancer. I would rather her have died serving in war then from cancer, which is something no one has control over, why her? I was hugging her when she died, I know nothing of it right? I am also calling for the killing of all al qaeda and taliban as well, we should have erradicated them a long time ago.
Gravity if someone dosent agree with you right wing hawks why do we have to leave this great country?
I'm saying, if you don't like what your country is, or is doing, go somewhere else like iraq, and then bitch and moan about war when you get poisoned, shot at on the streets by your army, all that bullshit. I love how everyone thinks we are so wrong in going to war, go live somewhere else then, no one wants a bleeding heart liberal coward **** in the US.
G420 - you're 12, right? - or just stupid? You're only as free as your government will allow - Saddam and Bush have the same CONTROL ideology, just to different degrees - but you don't have the intellectual capacity to see that, or see beyond the bullshit your media feeds you
Bullshit my media feeds me? Ok. Intellectual? Do you even know what that is, son. I have an iq of 158, kiss my ass for all I care if you want to talk about intellect.
Actually if I remember correctly einstein had an iq of 147 or 148, I surpassed him, genius. I don't live to my full potential considering I have ADD and bi-polar disease. Thanks.
Iraq is not responsible for 9/11, but in 1998 when the inspectors left, he had 10% of his arsenal still in tact. He has a long history of dealing with islamic terrorists. Hans blix today said after seeing banned scud missles, saddam claimed he didnt have, being fired at american and british troops, that he was convinced that no matter how much time they had, saddam would have never fully disarmed. THC, you must have read up on saddams human rights attrocities, as late as 2002. Would you rather we move in, possibly kill innocent people, and remove saddam and allow the surviving iraqis to live in peace and safety the rest of thier lives, or, would you rather leave saddam in power and allow him to continue to terrorize his people, torture, rape, gas and use people as guinea pigs? Do you really have enough faith in saddam hussein to change his colors?
The I.Q. has nothing to do with intelligence, it's more of a mental reflex test. How quickly you are able to grasp and apply new concepts. That's it, nothing to do with your ability to comprehend common sense, nor the ability to apply it. To boot, your IQ fluctuates day to day and even throughout the day. For example a persons I.Q. is higher in the morning than it is at the end of a day. In addition, were the I.Q. to be that important, not only would it be used for prerequisite testing prior to scholastic institutions, my retarded cousin would be running NASA, as his IQ is at 185. Yet he can't control his bowels.
I don't harbor any doubts as to the truth to the evils that Saddam has perpetrated on his people. That said, why wouldn't a large contingent of "Weapons Inspectors" done the same thing as an invasion? I don't like the fact that a majority of people on the plant are opposed to our adventure in the middle east and are holding the US responsible alone. I would much rather have the US be completely behind the UN and the decisions made there democraticaly. As far as a long history of dealing with Islamic terrorists, we beat Saddam by a long shot (no pun intended, but it is funny). If we are so concerned about human rights abuses lets deal with that through the UN and not impose our idea (no matter that you and I both feel its the best form of government) of democracy. If the rest of the world was with us, I MIGHT feel different, but the situation as it is is deplorable. By the way, thanks for not thinking I was attacking you j/k
Rest assured Pat Robertson and CBN have some kind of, "Operation Prayer Shield", voodoo stuff to ward off terrorist attacks.
#1. I'm drunk. #2. THCDude, what did I spell wrong, and please, **** yourself. I lost all respect for you which I once had, I say again, **** yourself.