Shop light efficiency

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by fromthemorning, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. fromthemorning

    fromthemorning A Fat Sticky Bud

    I bought a shop light and am aware of the waste of having two fluoro bulbs right next to each other... this is why I am thinking of using just one bulb in the shop light, which will most likely be an overhead. Then I might get an HPS fixture to mount sidewards... or, do you think that I can tilt the shop light sidewards, hanging it on the wall, or should I just ditch the thing (cost 16-18 or so bucks) and use it to light my basement where I play guitar? I have outdoor plants, about 2 and a half feet and growing, that I want to flower indoors, b/c guerilla in the woods with my other plants has not been working out super great. Any advice or answers?
  2. adfaFd

    adfaFd Begun Flowering

    uhhhhhhh.... it's not a waste to have 2 flo's right next to each other. in fact, if you were gonna use flos it would be better to have at least 5 or 6 right next to each other. but it would be way better to just ditch the ones you have and go with hps, if you can afford it.

    oh but i still want to know if it's possible to line up flo's along the sides of your plants, to allow light to penetrate a lot of the branches that are farther down on the plant. My only worry is that the plant might get confused about which way is up
  3. HerbalMan

    HerbalMan Full Flowering

    Correct me if Im wrong ,but I think it will grow towards the brighter light.which would be the hps.peace
  4. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    Exactly!@ AdfaFd(wow, thats a tough name to say![​IMG]) This is what I use, and it works well! I could use some sort of HID:light: for the last weeks or so before flowering! But as for all around efficient, this is what works for me!:biggrin:


    Peace clones/clonettes!

  5. fromthemorning

    fromthemorning A Fat Sticky Bud

    On my shop light, the lights are flushed right next to each other, w/o the space between the bulbs like in the picture above. This is what I think is a waste. In Indoor Marijuana Gardening by Ed Rosenthal, he mentions that the light is wasted because it's being trapped between the two bulbs or something, and not being reflecting downwards.
  6. adfaFd

    adfaFd Begun Flowering

    oh, well if ed says so then he must be right. but still, there isn't that much light to be wasted in the first place

    but you said you were going to buy hps so that's your answer. you can leave one of those in the shoplight and use it too if you want, but it make much of a difference
  7. fromthemorning

    fromthemorning A Fat Sticky Bud

    So, do you think it's possible to tilt the shoplight sideways? I guess if I put nails in the wall... I think the thing would be better in my basement so I could see down there... I do want to get fluoros to provide light on the sides of the plant, but dunno which to get. I want something that will I can just tape or mount to the wall, like a wand... they don't sell these at K-mart or anything... and I don't know if I want those 30 watt grow sticks, unless you think they might actually do something? I want something that plugs in, too, of course.
  8. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    And I quote. . . "I want something I can tape to the wall, like a wand." Who the **** are you? Harry Potter? What is a wand?:roll: And I also quote. . . "I want something that plugs in too, of course.":biglaugh: If ya find a :light: that doesn't need to be plugged in, call me ASAP! I want it! P;ease no lantern inquiries![​IMG] You really gave me a great before bed laugh.:laugh::sleep: Glad your around, Fromthemorning!:bigok: Peace clones/clonetts!

  9. HerbalMan

    HerbalMan Full Flowering

    Funny stuff:biglaugh:
  10. fromthemorning

    fromthemorning A Fat Sticky Bud

    what I meant by something I can plug in is that I don't know much about wiring, even though I did spend a month installing fluoro light fixtures in wal-mart. I guess that was kind of stupid, though.

    A wand light, at least from I have seen them called, would be the kind that are sticks, like the 60-watt or 95-watt grow lights you see... They are about 9000 lumens. I never see these in stores, only online.

    btw I didn't win the hps light, having not met the reserve. I don't know what I'm doing now. I just have big plants and I don't want them where they are now, and are too big to take on my bike into the woods, and I can't find any good spots to put them anyway. I might resort to killing them, but I really don't wanna buy weed too much anymore.
  11. fromthemorning

    fromthemorning A Fat Sticky Bud

    I know you're all talking to me like I am a moron [​IMG], so here is what I mean by "wand" ... go on eBay and type in 'ezhydrolite' or 'envirolite' and you will see what I mean.  You could take them in your hand and wave them around like a wand, couldn't you?  the Envirolite is a 95 watt, 8900 lumens.  They say that the light is almost equivalent to a 400w HPS/MH but whatever.  I know that the color spectrum is probably a lot greater in a 100w HPS, don't ya think?

    (Edited by fromthemorning at 2:56 pm on Aug. 3, 2003)
  12. earth girl

    earth girl A Fat Sticky Bud

    Morning! High,

    If you just want to flower them, can't you leave them out for 10-11 hours, then putem in a dark box/closet for the night?

    Otherwise, get 2 70W or more if they gotem 'security' hps from Casa de Pot. Hang above the plants at an openeded angle, hang the fluros directly above the plants and hps's. Get some clipon fixtures and some compact fluoros which use 23W, but claim 100W output. Place them around the bottoms and beneath/between the bushes. Put in a small fan aim'd at the foliage. Gather a space blanket over and around, tuck in around the bottom, leave an opening at the top for vent. Turn them one a day or so, for uniformity of developement. If They can can't have some sun, this should be enough to get you to harvest.

    You can dismount the tube lights and fixtures to make a free hanging tube. What you must remeber with any of the fluorescents, even the super type: their effective range is measured only in inches. Also, the bulbs designed to "grow" plants are beneficial to house plants and iguanas. The spectrum is aim'd at veggitative growth.

    But don't stop looking! Learning all your options is the way to progress. ciao, eg
  13. fromthemorning

    fromthemorning A Fat Sticky Bud

    for now they are being covered at 5 in the evening (although I've already missed the time twice) to induce flowering. we'll see what happens. Due the location that I have them in, they only get about 4 hours max of full sunlight a day. Any other location is too noticable, and this is why I wanted them inside. When does a light cycle for a plant begin... about after the break up dawn, or later? I'm trying to calculate how long the days will be for them. It's about mid-summer here... I'm figuring about 7 in the morning is when any photoperiod starts (?)... and I cover them at 5. Think i should go earlier?
  14. earth girl

    earth girl A Fat Sticky Bud

    Where I am the sun is rising about 6:10 and setting about 7:50. The day is 13hrs 40,in. long. Visible light span is about a half hour before and half after. Put the box on at 7pm, and take it off at 7am. Or whatever 12 hour stretch will allow them the most light. Some strains start to flower after the dark period has gone over 11 hours.

    For full flowering, get all the lumens you can manufacture, and maximize the reflective capabilities of her immediate surroundings. And the cover must be absolutely light tight.

    Keep on keepin' on, earth girl
  15. fromthemorning

    fromthemorning A Fat Sticky Bud

    I am not about covering in the morning (ie keeping the cover on overnight)... I don't like to suffocate the plant all night. I could go and put the cover on again in the morning, but honestly I like to stay out of the area that the plant is as much as possible, like it doesn't exist, and is just some weed that started to grow in a pot. I much prefer to just cover it in the evening, which is gonna happen as long as I'm flowering outdoors. And, don't worry, they get plenty of cover... no light peeping through. Did the same thing last year. Nice tiny early harvest. The only flaw in all of this is the lack of maximum sunlight that I can provide. Just how it is for now, unless I get a hps light.
  16. earth girl

    earth girl A Fat Sticky Bud

    Morning, High,

    Guess I didn't pick up on the guerilla nature of the grow! So your only control is the length of day. Trust me, the substitution of any artificial light after growing natural, will not seem as healthy and hearty.

    I had a few trial outdoor grows and the plants scared me they grew so danged fast!

    I get satisfactry results with a 175W MH, an array of 100W/23W flos, and the blessing of a double wide south-facing window. The lights are mobile, and separately,so is the garden. I can maximize the sun, and compliment it from the opposite side. And give the garden a twirl regularly to evenly share exposures.

    The earth girl wishes you best of luck with your little bush in the bush.

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