Snitch Alert!!!!

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by snickelfritz, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    This is an unconfirmed report from one of our current members... But, in the interest of member safety, it is being posted here. Both members named in this quote were previously banned from this site, but some of you may still be in contact with the "dirty bird"... Since LEO is involved in this shit... The other name, and the author of the information have been edited for their own protection.

    If you have had any personal dealings with this person, you may need to sanitize anything that you may have, and lay low for a while.
  2. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    :mad:Damnnn that sucks>>>not good karma at all to be a snitch!

    Thanks for the "head's up" to the GK family Snick! ;)

    Peace~jersey :animbong:

    ...I know I have nada to worry about but I suppose if we are missing member's that are usually on>>>this could be why eh?

    Well I hope this person who is the "snitch" get's what is coming to him>>>hope he goes to jail at some point of his life with a special visit from "Bubba" to his cell. ;)
  3. JohnH

    JohnH Smoker Extraordinaire

    Fucking scum of the earth. Some people go on a limb to help a friend, and this is what usually comes of it.
  4. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Snitch=lowest Common Denomenator In Life



    Over here in the UK if a snitch dont get thrown in the clyde river wrapped in chicken wire with weights attatched then the LEAST punishment they get is BRANDED for life,usually with a large scar from arsehole to earhole!!!!!!

    In the joint we all know who the snitches are cos they downstairs on the protection section and spend their whole sentence dubbed up behind their door.... watch out snitches...KARMA is comin' for y'all!
  5. Mr.Dope

    Mr.Dope Master Grower Of The Kind

    I feel a bit more safe on this site with people like you to inform us of such sons of bitches. Like JerseyGirl said, thanks for the heads up....we are a GK family.:punk:
  6. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    this was the post over on 420g for those interested...


    Banned Join Date: Nov 2006

    Posts: 16


    Rtytee Is A Snitch


    Rtyree sent 3 good ppl to jail ,,,,,he is a all know how dumb he is from gk adn here.....he sent ppl to jail w big grows (who showed him how to grow) spread the word ******** OF *********** IS A SNITCH
  7. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I just find it hard to believe that rtyree is a snitch man.. i really do.
  8. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    its a bitter pill to swallow when its a dude u put trust into ....

    obviously i dont know the dude you talkin about but havin done my fair share of dealing on the streets in the past it never ceased to amaze me what ppl..sorry RATS will do just to avoid a little jail time...

    If you cant do the time dont do the crime,we all know that.Ive seen dudes who i classed as part of my inner most circle snitch on me just to avoid getting taken downtown for a few days in the cells!!!

    Once a grass/snitch ALWAYS a snitch.The dudes probably walking about with a target on his back or a red infrared dot on their forehead as we speak.... KARMA KILLS!
  9. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Again... Let me point out...

    He is "accused" of being a snitch.

    I do not know if it is true, or not... I have had no dealings with him... Let's not crucify him just yet.

    I am simply putting out a warning to anyone that may "know" him. In the event it is true, they can be prepared for unwelcomed visitors.

    Member protection.
  10. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Just a quick off topic point here snickle. You have been reading into DMT trips and dimensions or spirituality havent you???

    I have that avatar as well, but its too big to get on here.....

    Those topics intrigue me to the fullest....keep reading on....

    now....back to the topic at hand...
  11. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Cool Avy

    Actually I love his avy.....reminds me of the "boardwalk" or shore where I live. They have ride's and arcade's that have a Jeanie with a crystal ball where you put in a Quarter (well now it is a 50 cents..haha) into the machine and she/he moves and talks to you & then it prints out your fortune. Really cool and I have always been drawn to them as they are bright and colorful. :laughing5: Snick you alwys have such cool avy's!! :bigok:

    As far as the "snitch" thing i said thanks for the "head's up" to the GK family in case like you said anyone had dealing's with him. Your may just be a rumor but if it is true....other's can be on the look out. This is the reason that ppl need to be leary on who they tell or do bizzness with. ;)

    Peace~Jersey :animbong:
  12. HillbillyHemp

    HillbillyHemp Higher than Camel Pussy

    Don't know'em.

    My hats off to GK for passing along "info" to their community. :5cool:
  13. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    SNITCHES GET STICHES:new_2gunsfiring_v1: :5blindfold:
  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    I'd agree with that BG...

    EXACTLY!!! RATS!!!:5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked: :5masked:
  15. Bong O Matic

    Bong O Matic A Fat Sticky Bud

    Snitches find them selves on a long walk on a short pier.
  16. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    God I hated that guy. He was a serious ASS.
  17. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    rtyree was just on 420 when I posted this in the shout box....

    [11-14-2006 06:49 PM] Mr.Wakenbake: or rather that's what you've been accused of case you didnt' know.

    [11-14-2006 06:49 PM] Mr.Wakenbake: So what's up man did you snitch like they say you did?

    He immediately left after I posted that... I wonder if the story was true?????!!!!!????
  18. Artie

    Artie Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Think about it Mikey.. Of course he is.. Im suprised you didn't get banned for bringing it up over there on 420genetics. Be safe bud. Did you know if you hang with monkeys and apes long enough you will be throwing shit in no time:)
  19. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    hey man 420 genetics is a great place to hang out..... and share growing information.. there are a lot of good growers over there that's been doing this for years..

    i like it there as much as here man... i also hang out at HG420 and icmag as they are all quality sites with quality information...

    rtyree hasn't been on 420 genetics in about 2 weeks anyways.. he is now trolling the shout box over there..but not posting or talking...... sniff sniff I smell bacon!

  20. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.


    So whats the general consensus then.. is dude a snitch or what?Weird how he didnt respond to you wakenbake!You must have freaked him out and hes logged off.......interesting!

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