So what's the scenario in your neck of the woods?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Psycho D, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    mine is decriminalized under 100 grams....people will still snitch, spec people like that because they are scared. They don't realize it's equal to a jay walking ticket
  2. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    RR, both those books are great reads

    Economics in it's simplest form, incentives. The realtor and teacher sections were awesome as well.

    Must read imho
  3. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    I'm telling my mother!

  4. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    In my State it's 42 grams for decrim. Couldn't tell by the way the cops love to ferret that shit out and ride the folks they catch.'d think they just busted some cartel traffik route the way they go off when they find somebodies stash.

    A cop who rides in our rally camps gets all bent because I supply the toke (under 42 grams at all times) and everybody lights up. Think he'd get torqued up over somebody with a speeding ticket? It's the same fucking thing but they just got that shit drilled into them.

    When LEO finds a gram or two they search EVERYTHING while you sit on the side of the road. (when was the last time a ticket for anything else got you searched btw?) A 40 year old mommie is going to give up who she bought from 5 minutes into a gig like that even if the eventual reality is a small fine.
  5. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    That's the way it is here too.

  6. mudpuppy

    mudpuppy Established Healthy Roots

    All the shit everyone refuses to even think about circulates to the rural areas where smokers can't afford $400.00oz's...I grow my own which I have yet to perfect and everyone thinks I have some sort of mafia I could command 250.00 an oz. of my mother cuttings I have grown for the past 2 years...When the good-ole-boys break-out the corn liquor, I whip-out the chronic and watch em' squirm!!! Ignorance is BLISS!!!!
  7. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Around here its mainly 160 oz direct from the grower, no matter what volume you buy. Its then resold at 200 to 240 an oz. Not many large scale grows round here, but shit loads of small time ones.

    The big grows happen further down south and you can fuck them southern jessies! its mass produced brick weed!!!
  8. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Your not wrong skuzz. Could show these fairies a thing or two:bong2:
  9. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Markets getting flooded here too. Mostly people look for 32 to some guy or 28 for actual blood family. A stack for a qp is easily doable if they want to make more runs.
  10. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Mr.A's last post thumbs up to CC- Bud
  11. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    My man CRAIG!

    I wonder how the dogs are doing?
  12. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    I'll see if I can find out.-Bud
  13. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    The wife and I were talking about him a couple days ago. What happened to his pups? I was honestly about to bump the sticky thread just so new comers see it
  14. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    I believe family took them in or friends..

    I never met him in person but we talked on the phone, he was a good dude. I actually think of him often. I miss seeing him post here that's for sure.:pimp:

    Still so weird to me that 1 day your here and the next your just a memory for someone.....ill never get over that part of death
  15. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Hey bud...seriously if they need a home ill make the trip. No shit. The wige has oked that ine as it was her idea
  16. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    I think a friend of the family took both of them.-Bud
  17. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    It's dog eat dog around where I live, some people can get a z of purple haze or chem dog for $200, Now people selling oil at $60 a gram, I don't even know if that's a good deal??? I never bought any. Some pay 20-25 a gram for good bud, middle price for good stuff is 15 a g. Dirt is $60-$80 a z all day long if you know someone that deal's weight.

    Everyone thinks they are going to start growing when or if it goes legal down here this year, but why wait? I've been growing for over 12 years. Free weed its the best weed.:thumbsup:

    well, besides the cost of dirt, ferts and elect, which is not to much. :thumbsup:
  18. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    The Boy's are doing good the woman that has them really loves them . But Mr.A dad isn't doing to good he has heart problems.-Bud

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