Here's a guy that I personally have lobbied for cannabis reform in my State House. Not that I was the only one, there are many who hit this particular brick wall when trying to convert conservative politicians to our cause. Tom Emmer, a candidate for a congressional seat and former Mn representative, figured it out. This cat was in the lead against MMJ in Mn. He used false data, dis-proven med findings and scare tactics to ensure Minnesota didn't get MMJ last time it came through the legislature. Now, with a sister dead from terminal cancer, he finally picked up some of that information we bombarded him with, opened his ears to a few of the long talks in convention halls, and is seeing the light. Mr. Emmer has changed his position to one of support of State's Rights concerning MMJ. What's sad is it took the death of a family member for an ideologue to finally open his eyes to the unnecessary suffering of others. to the effort Mr. Emmer, better late than never. It doesn't matter if your audience disagrees with you, it doesn't matter if they actively fight against you. Keep calmly speaking the truth and you'll eventually win one small victory to add to everyone else's small victories.
If this guy is true to his word and he really supports federal decrim - ending the drug war - then he gets my vote (if I had one) pointless post #673 :jj:
Guess the point is FF, that cumulative voices of reason, coupled with personal unexpected life experiences, can turn even the staunchest of opponents or deafest of ears. Not one person familiar with local politics around here would have predicted this person moving this far on this topic. It'd be like the Pope coming out in favor of a gay clergy. Ok, *openly* gay clergy. Doesn't everybody know a cross dressing priest or two?
No I meant my post being pointless :LOL: I'm sorry I was trying to think of something positive to say and came up with "if I had a vote I'd vote for this guy" brilliant :LOL: Not trying to make sport of the good news in the thread. I think it's great that he's come full circle. I wish they all would follow his example. This reminds me I should follow up on my state senator who got ticketed for having a bag of weed.