Hey all, I've got a question about hydro. I've got an ebb/flow system set up already. Now I need to know how I should sprout the seeds. I was planning on using rockwool, of which I have small 1 inch cubes and then larger 5x5 cubes. My problem is that I'm not sure how to sprout the seeds: should sprout them from the rockwool or should I sprout them with a paper towel and then put them in the rockwool? Thanks.
sprout them in the small cubes when you see eney sign of roots transplant them in to the bigger cubes untill you have a good root system poking through then into your system [works for me]
You can pre sprout them in paper then put them into the iddy cubes, or you can drop the seeds straight into the iddy cubes and sprout them there. It all works.