Has anyone heard about the kid getting shot in Florida by that guy who was a neighborhood watch captian that thought that since the kid was black and wearing a hoodie that he was suspicious? Here's the story http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/22/10814211-trayvon-martin-case-is-young-black-and-wearing-a-hoodie-a-recipe-for-disaster Here's the political spin that the anti-gun people are trying to put on this tradgedy; they're saying that the "Stand Your Ground" Law that has become popular in many states is to blame. The law basically states that if you have a reason to think that you or someone that you are responsible for are in imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury you have the right to respond with deadly force in order to prtoect yourself or other 3rd parties that would also have the right to defend themselves with deadly force. To meet the requirements of "imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury" one must prove that the assailant had the means, the motive, and the opportunity to cause immediate death or serious bodily injury to the shooter or 3rd parties with the same right to self defense (meaning people not in the commission of a crime. Criminals don't have the right to defend themselves with deadly force under and circumstance.) This is where my bullshit meter starts going crazy: If this guy turns out to be guilty because the kid didn't have a weapon then the "Stand Your Ground" Law dosen't apply so why all the scape-goating of a law that dosen't protect someone who acted unlawfully? There seems to be some bullshit with the police department not arresting and charging the guy that shot the kid when the police obviously knew at the scene of the crime that the kid that got shot was unarmed when they didn't find a weapon. So if the Left wants to be mad then they should be mad at that police deparment not a law that dosen't necessarily apply in this particular instance. Am I on crazy pills or does this just sound rediculous the way it's being framed?
Hell yeah! I keep wondering how it went down. He probably approached the kid on some bullshit and when the kid told him to go fuck himself he probably got rough with him and when the kid snapped and started beating his ass he probably took out his gun and shot him. That dude's a fucking punk! That's why we have police. And if he called the police he should have waited for them to arrive. And if they didn't arrive he should've taken a hint, got a life, and let the kid alone! End of story! It might not necessarily be a Hate Crime but it sure is stupid! Loitering? And you shot the kid? Come on dude!
Weird thing is too...the dudes a Mexican.....they typically mind their business That Guy ain't telling the real story that's what's bullshit too
Yeah, the idiot was a block Captain for the neighborhood watch and got the Dirty Harry complex going. And the Anti-Gun crowd jumps all over it. Hope they nail this fool good.
The guy has called the police 46 times in recent past. On this call they told him not to do anything. People could hear Trayvon screaming for help before Zimmerman shot him. Poor kid just had a can of tea and some skittles from the convinience store. This is a hate crime by a crazy person and I hope he dies painfully.
Ive been following this. These are the idiots giving guns a bad name when they shouldn't have had one in the first place. I hope he gets life so he can face the people he obviously wanted to face every day.
If the Japanese had guns and neighborhood watches, I'd be the one getting shot. :icon_confused: Guess which side of the gun argument I'm on. But, yes America, enjoy your gun culture. You are so safe. :danger:
For me it isn't about being safe. In the same breath I think most drugs should be legal, so should most guns. It is a libertarian and constitutional right. Paternalism has no place in modern society.
Ditto! Jeez, does it make me an old-fuck that I remember when people actually used that word in conversation?
I agree that even if they successfully argue that it was just a misake in the initial shooting incident they can't explain not arresting the guy afterwards when they didn't find a gun or weapon of any kind I'm assuming on or near the kid! That would have had to be phenonomenally stupid of those cops to put their careers, reputations, and freedom at risk just so they could high-five a guy for shooting a random black kid. But then again with the corruption that may exist in their local system that risk might be overestimated by people that don't live there and don't see what's going on on the ground level. It's just messed up all the way around and the way that they're trying to drag law abiding citizens into this by denegrating a law is just way off point as to what this is all about IMO.
Yeah, let's send him on an unarmed mission behind enemy lines; federal penetentiary! Now go fight crime my son. I want to see you fuck with one of them for loitering around the cell block!:5eek:
It's a different culture over there, and I must admit in a lot of good ways as compared to ours over here, but for a man to have no choice but to look to another for his and his families day to day safety and for a governmental entity to make it a crime for him to do so is IMO not a good thing. I think of it as a quality of life issue. EDIT: I'm very nervous about living somewhere that the government and organized crime syndicates are the only ones armed. I don't think that's a good thing.
Media tryed to portray Zimmerman as a white guy at first...to get everyone beefing...i feel for trayvon i do but what about the white kid that got set on fire walking home from school... that gets shit media coverage...
Well, thankfully, day to day safety isn't a problem because there aren't a lot of guns floating around. You are right. It is a quality of life issue. You couldn't be more right on that point. What organized crime syndicates? Somewhere they must be, like the whoring massage parlor zone, or somewhere, I don't know. They aren't here.
What exactly does day to day safety have to do with the amount of guns owned by a given populace? My state has some of the loosest gun laws and one of the highest rates of gun ownership per capita in the country, versus N.Y., Cali and Illinois having by far the most strict. Our violent crime rates pale in comparison. Has resticting firearms in the UK solved any violent crime issues? Not at all, you're 1.4 times more likely to be robbed in the UK vs the US and their burglary rate is almost twice the US'. Crime rates in Japan have almost nothing to do with gun control, and everything to do with people control. Japan's lack of civil liberties is astounding, even more so when you account for how readily the Japanese accept these boundaries. People who look positively on the fact that Japan functions without a right to bear arms should note that Japan functions without other rights as well. Not only the laws regarding protection of criminal suspects, but freedom of speech, of intimate conduct and of religion are far narrower than in the U.S. Japan even has an official religion, Shinto. This spirit of conformity provides the best explanation for Japan's low crime rate. It also explains why the Japanese people accept gun control. Just my $0.02. -tC