I tried this subject in the beginners lounge. I couldn't get any answers. Hope someone here can advise. I am doing a small residential grow 4 to 6 plant. Master Kush, White Widow, and Alaskan Ice. I want to start the seeds out in late June so they break ground around the first of July. The problem is where I live July is the hottest time of the year. Mid to Upper 90's. I am starting so late so I can keep the plants smaller due to neigboor issues. I figure if I can get 8 weeks of vegging during July and August and 8 weeks of flowering during September and October and harvest at the end of October I will end up with 3 to 4 foot plants. Questions: Will these strains do alright starting out in the heat of summer and has anyone grown these strains outdoors and what was there results. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance
ummmm what you want to do is germ those seeds in your house and start them out in pots once they develop a root structure transplant them to their new home outside. If your temps are in the 90's and the gound is dry I can't see the seeds sprouting at all.
wwboy may---be put em out in june--let em soak up the light and pinch off the top and side shoots -----l.s.t. em as well-----they will stay short with many bud sites and wont much look like a typical marijuana plant--you would get more this way.
When I want to plant seeds when it is hot, I put dark plastic over the soil until they sprout. Anything that shades it will work. Make sure you check them everyday. The plastic needs to come off at the first sign of growth, or they will stretch.:roulette: Artificial shade on the south - southwest side of the seedlings will help give them a good start. An 8*10 piece of card board, or something similar (strong for the wind), stapled to a stick will work. Just stick it in the ground next to the plant, S - SW side. peace