So I started 4 Orange Bud, 3 Strawberry Cough, 2 Ice, 2 Easy Bud, and 5 Skunk#1 for my 2009 season. Putting in the new septic system has opened up the southern exposure, and I have been watching as the sun rises higher in the sky, and I think this will be a much better grow as there is all day sun where I am going to put them. With the sun and the wind, I am hoping I can keep mold and mildew at bay this year. Of course would help if we didn't have as much fog as we did last summer. When the septic went in, the tool shed got clobbered and is going to need to be torn down. I am replacing it with a shed with just one door and no windows, so I can put the girls in there and force them so they will finish in maine's short growing season. Since the septic looks like an indian burial mound, I am going to do some terracing growing, and plant asparagus crowns also. As some of you know, I hurt my shoulder in february, and need surgery, but I talked the doc into waiting 16 weeks to see if I couldn't rehab it back instead of surgically repairing it. Shhhh....but I just couldn't stand the thought of missing summer gardening. I have a shoulder stabilizer, and a cryo-cuff for constant cold. Now my biggest concern is how do I start the lawn mower??? Guess it is time to get an electric start or an electric mower, or one of those reel push jobbies. Regardless, I am just psyched to have the seeds planted, 2 of the orange bud are up already.... yippee.:fly: :laughing1: ccasion18:
Whats up Cough? Havn't seen you around. Good luck with your grow and keep us posted. I am also going it outside and inside as well this yr. I am doing the swamp thing this year. I am only doing a couple though as I have the inside to make the difference.
Good luck dude and keep us posted. U could just stay high all summer until u finish your grow then do surgery if it still needed it after rehabilitating it all summer.
Hey bbb, how did you make it through the winter? I guess with all of the cloak and dagger shit going on it just isn't going to happen that we can meet up and swap some clones or even knowledge. Bet you are glad to have an indoor grow up and running. The outdoor season just is to short up here to really make it not a load of work. I am really this point, all of the orange bud and strawberry cough have germinated, and I can see the ice and a couple of the skunk #1 about to break through. Not to bad for seeds that are well over 5 years old. That just goes to show you that a good freezer is nice to have. I had plans to get the closet remodeled, but I have been so busy with my new job, researching for other docs, that I have put it off. Now I am thinking of just rebuilding it in another room, where the roof is leaking into my clothes. Would be much less noticable if it was out of the living room and in the bedroom. Might have jumped the gun on my seeds. I need to bring in some dirt to thaw out so I can transplant them into bigger pots. I might need to take a trip down to brunswick to the hydro store and reload my supplies. I am out of everything. I shut stuff down completely last summer when the evil powdery mildew became the bane of my existance. I am hoping like crazy to get a better set up with better ventalation. Figure I can use the red neck method, and let the wind blow through the hole in the roof and vent it that way. bwahahahahaha You growing any special strains or is it bag seed? Man the weed down here has just sucked all winter.... could be i grow better, and I am now spoiled. Good luck with your grow and you, too, keep us posted. Hope we both have a hot and sunny summer with little fog/rain. We're due one here pretty soon.:icon_confused:
Im happy for you COUGH! Growing is obviously a great passion of yours as it is mine also!! I dont know what I would do if I had to miss a season! Im glad you were able to talk the doc into waiting on the surgery! Classic move! I wish you the best of luck with everything. And Yes, I would suggest an electric start mower OR u could hire some neighbor kid, to mow it for $20 Hope you have a great season, and I wish you the best of luck with your shoulder! GFam
kewl hey strawberry...i am glad to see you back in biz...and also glad to see you have new septic...did they put that in this winter..damn..must be a hell of a digger...but you are at the the ground thawed???...anyways...wish i was there to help you,,,,i know how hard it can be when you have a handicap..just be things in increments and dont overdue dont want to have to have surgury sooner...good luck... ps...dont forget to get on yahoo for cribbage....
I am doing a happy dance....I have 12 out of 16 seeds up. So far I have 4 of the Orange Bud, 3 strawberry cough, 3 skunk 1, 1 Ice and 1 easy bud up and looking very very good. Brought in two buckets of dirt, and well transplant then into 3" pots tomorrow. Have had the fan on them to get the stalks all nice and ready, and I have so much more sunlight now, I have to turn then daily to keep them growing straight. So far so good. I am just stoked for spring, if it every comes, and all the gardening that I get to do. My favorite position is bend over pulling weeds. I come from farming people, so I guess it is just in my blood. The ground is still frozen NCM, hell you know better than that. Can't plant around here until after memorial day. Boy you have been away a long time haven't you? gotten soft down there hummmmm I got my cribbage board all ready where the heck you hiding?
one weekHere are the girls at one week since popping up. So far so good. I am thinking it might be good to give them some nutes sooner than I would because the soil was used last season, so I think I will err on the side of caution and give them a little juice early. They are really shooting up now, and I have "high" hopes for them.I gave a shit load of seeds to a medical grower who needed some decent seeds, and she only got three of them to pop. When I tried to ask her about how she was doing it she got all touchy, and I just said fine. You know it really just sucks to give somebody something, then they tell you it sucks, and well...same seeds, and I got no clue why they didn't pop for her. Oh well, see if I share seeds, or knowledge with her, I don't need a brick upside the head to get when someone is not what I want to be around. Hurmph to think my doc asked me to help her...fuck that shit.:icon_confused: /monthly_2009_04/57a6c9f628a1a_girlsat1week.JPG.c6d34b1995a1ecfcb5683680ee258a44.JPG
yah bbb Berrys Back in Business glad to hear that.... the thawed ground..i put a questiion mark at the end of the sentence cause i couldnt believe the ground would be thawed..but i did not live at the coast..i know the temps there are a little warmer...instead of 40 below..its only 38 up the good work...and lay dear...good luck
Berry, Good luck with the zone 3/4 grow. Ain't northern latitudes the bitch? About that lady and the seeds. If she ever gets in a pinch and asks for more, give here the addy for and tell her to drop some $$ and HOPE for seeds to arrive like the rest of us. I'm very intolerant of ingratitude. cheers and good luck with spring planting,
Hey NCM you have been away to long, if you think the ground is thawed here, I will sell you my land for a dime. Nah, not spring know it isn't july yet.... The girls will stay in the house until mid may when I will take them out in the day and back in at night until the middle of june when I will set them out for good. What NCM you don't remember that we take the storm windows off july 4th and put them back july 5th???? You need to come home for a while geez...they only thing thawed now is the mud.
Here are the girls at four weeks. It has warmed up quite a bit here, so I am taking them out during the day if the temps are over 50. I think the soil is pretty much sucked dry, so when I put them over into their bigger final pots, I am going to get a bail of potting soil in hopes that will give them the kick in the pants I am hoping for this summer. I also think I am going to go switch out the cfl lights for the more power hungry ones to get down through the foliage.Hey mr. mainiac, the ground is thawed now and the tulips daffodils and crocus are up. The mudd has dried, and I think it is safe to say spring is here for the most part. There are still places up in the county with 3 feet of snow, so..... Oh and I am in a pocket here so I am about 10 degrees warmer in the winter, and 10 degrees cooler in the summer. I guess it averages out in the end.:icon_scratch: /monthly_2009_04/57a6c9f957790_april18002.jpg.eac3c025d5484878858f2cbe33e53128.jpg
glad to hear thatberrry the girls look great...r u putting them outside?....r u that remote...???good is one of my fav pics...taken yesterday...lolps pic taken just outside of winslow,maine /monthly_2009_04/snowdeer.jpg.1513573d15c9a2bba9f1d7f707f18f5b.jpg
Im with you Stawberry Cough! Waitin til Mother's Day to put mine out! I've got atleast a dozen mothers over 2 ft high. I need to grow them big, so I can get as many cuttings as I can this spring and summer. They will have a week long veg indoors, than They go outdoors til fall Im working on putting together a tri-level shelf, to hold close to 75 cuttings at one time Best of luck to you this year! GFam
Thats a crazy pic NCMAINE! that was taken recently? In your area? Thats unbelieveable! I thought winter was over! GFam
Damn there mainiac, that is some serious snow. I will have to send it to my bro, he is the biologist in charge of the deer/moose and other such critters. I know it was a prety harsh winter for them up that way. Around here the deer are using walkers cause it was just nasty icy. Sometimes I see them swim across the river, and I always marvel at how such tiny feet can get them across so fast. Maybe the 55 degree water helps them move it along. Yeah they are going out when it is over 50 and sunny. Today I can't even see the banking 75 feet away so they are in the house enjoying the lights. Guerilla they are doing so well I am thinking about cloning a few more of each variety. I have enough space and the lights to about triple what I have. I am being prudent this summer as putting in the septic last fall opened up the side that can be seen from the main road about a mile away, across the water. Someone would have to stop and look with purpuse, but I don't trust the tourist to not stop and have a good look. I have had enough heat on my back with the dipstick I was buying from ratting to the DEA. I also lost my tool shed, so I won't be able to hide them if someone comes back, so I am definately going to be more careful than normal. I do love the short growing season, but at least this year there is way more sun available than the last 16 years. They are really really really stinky even at just five weeks since germination. I am really hoping I can get some quality kind without the mildew issue I had last year.
getting bigThere is no way I will be able to put these out until the end of june unless things get much better here. we are grey and cloudy with "ineffective" light. I have them in the house under the light 12/12. I am going to get some plugs and clone a variety to boost my summer harvest. It is hanging pretty much around 50, and unless we start getting some sunshine and lighter breezes it will be another one of those summers. /monthly_2009_05/57a6c9fba553c_fakesun.JPG.51f23d4597161716a00dfaea9153ef3f.JPG /monthly_2009_05/57a6c9fbab936_8weeks3.JPG.9bcfa8ac68a82c3ae2ad7df406cafa24.JPG /monthly_2009_05/57a6c9fbb146e_8weeks4.JPG.21a2de742f1a557e2b2ac186f697c719.JPG
If all those make it through you're going to be having some full cupboards this fall berry. Good luck :thumbsup: We'll be pullin for ya. cheers,
Berry I know the feeling, keep waiting but this weather has been so iffy girl! Your further north then me so can only imagine how cold it gets there. Now today it is windy as all hell....supposed to get some nasty T-Storms and so on. Was gonna put them out this coming week, still hope to but will check the weather as I am well to aware of how this weather shifts from hot to cold as hell day to day. The rain and bad storms are even worse. Your girls are looking good ....mine are going on 6 weeks now and been taking them in/out during the day for we have them in my dad's basement. We have a light but luckily living in such wooded area with NO neighbors, we put them outside during the day. Unless it is nasty ass weather ...then they are under the lights 12/12. Hope this coming week we can plant them in the ground, wanted to this week but will see how this weather plays out. I can't chance losing them to storms like I did the one year. Hard being patient but when I get yancy I just remember that one June when I literally lost my entire crop to NorEasterns. I do have all the holes dug now so being patient is hard to that itch going to get them in. Dug 24 holes and just finished today with the last ones. We have 3 strains......Blueberry, AK48 and skunk. Good luck Berry and happy growing girl!!! Crossing fingers and toes the east has a GREAT year to all growers!! :thumbsup: