Still sick

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by 1bossman, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. 1bossman

    1bossman Veggy Stage

    I am useing Pure blend pro Cal-mag and Thrive alive green.
    Just started useing bat guano 1-10-0. I have been mixing the ferts at below recomended levels and am still haveing trouble. I talked with the owner of the hydro store and when I told her that my ppm was 800 she imformed me that a flowering plant should be in 1000-1400ppm. Have I been starveing them? [​IMG]

    (Edited by 1bossman at 3:01 pm on Dec. 5, 2003)
  2. Smurfy007

    Smurfy007 Veggy Stage

    Your pics suggests a calcium problem bossman.  Too much or too little will exibit identical symptoms on your foilage, those two tone leaves lighter along the edge and darker near the veins.  Calcium difficiency is an easy fix just add more.  Overdoing calcium is not such an easy fix.  When too much of it is used, calcium becomes an acid buffer.  It consumes the acid required to keep minerals in a harmonious ratio that the plants need.  An analogy of this is found in my breakfast preference.  I prefer a ratio of 1 juice, 1 coffee, 2 eggs, 2 bacon strips, and four pieces of toast.  I don't like it when someone changes that ratio ie. 20 pieces of toast, 1 egg, no bacon.  Your pics, as mentioned, suggests a calcium problem.  It also suggests other mineral combination deficiencies as well.  On top of that it also reveals slight burning on some leaves.  That doesn't make sense or does it.  Too much calcium consumes acid changing pH ==> changes ratio of mineral content ==> produces abundance of some minerals and reduces others = your pics = calcium problem, burning and deficiencies.  STOP using that calmag it is the cause of your grieve.  Flush the darn things and feed your girls want in the quantities they want it.  They will not get better overnight since the abuse they sustained took more than a night to occur.  Give it about a week before you go full strength on fert.

    Using tap water will give you the neccassary calcium for the plants so either axe your calmag or reduce it considerably. You are addressing the same problem with two threads and am not listening to advice.  Why post?

    (Edited by Smurfy007 at 5:53 pm on Dec. 5, 2003)
  3. 1bossman

    1bossman Veggy Stage

    i guess im a little slow thanks for your help! -peace-

    Oh this is what makeing my ressy 1200ppm did..


    I have since flushed with clearex and changed resy to fresh neuts 600ppm and ph 5.4 NO cal-mag. I promice to obey from now on!

    (Edited by 1bossman at 3:43 am on Dec. 6, 2003)

    (Edited by 1bossman at 3:44 am on Dec. 6, 2003)

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