I'm imploring every Gker to talk to your toking buddies, write, email or call your representative in Washington, do anything in your power to promote this bill. It affects each and everyone of us who has popped a seed in defiance of Federal or State Prohibition. Everyday cannabis warriors lose everything they own due to asset forfeiture. Many times the forfeiture value far exceeds any possible profit that could have been derived from involvement with cannabis. Even more frequently, the original criminal charges are dropped but the Civil case for asset forfeiture prevails, leaving the defendant broke without the ability to pay legal costs or support themselves or their family. Homes, bank accounts, vehicles.....everything is up for grabs should LEO or the Fed DEA learn of your activity. That's why this should be important to you. Here is a safe link to the bill itself and another to the overview. https://lieu.house.gov/sites/lieu.house.gov/files/documents/LIEU_015_xml.pdf https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/3518/committees Still think this doesn't really matter? Here's links to the past five years of civil asset forfeiture for cannabis growers listed by state. 2014 total $27,342,950.59 http://www.dea.gov/ops/cannabis_2014.pdf 2013 total $29,818,144.92 http://www.dea.gov/ops/cannabis_2013.pdf 2012 total $32,008,580.69 http://www.dea.gov/ops/cannabis_2012.pdf 2011 total $42,113,659.15 http://www.dea.gov/ops/cannabis_2011.pdf 2010 total $34,311,819.54 http://www.dea.gov/ops/cannabis_2010.pdf This affects you. asssit: