I have an unlimited supply of filtered water with a TDS reading of 0, would this be any use in a hydro unit? thanks
Great to use in hydro. 0 TDS means you have no minerals in the water. So you will have to use a fert that contains calcium.
Yeah...tap water is soo alkaline and overloaded with calcium...causing Wide Ph Fluctuations! ...it'z the calcium in tap water that makes it almost impossible to lower your ph below 6!!!! It costs more $$$ to lower ph of tap; than it is with store bought water(roughly 0 tds)... Even when i did manage to get the ph below 6...the calcium heavy hard tap water kept escalating my ph past 7.0 ph prematurely!!! That is the #1 reason i despise Tap water!!!! I found that it was actually $$$cheaper$$$ for me to buy zero tds store bought water; than to lower tap water with expensive ph down! Ph down ain't cheap yknow!! Furthermore, it takes tap water 24hrs for itz chlorine gases to evaporate(in a recirculatin rezzy)... The next best thing: Filtered Tap Water. Lots of people here have no problems with the stuff. The best about faucet filters is the it DOES remove Chlorine! What's the big deal about chlorine? I used to believe too much chlorine hurtz cannabis...which is 1/2 true. The truth is:Too much chlorine hurts Cannabis Indirectly. By destroyin Essential beneficial microbes. I don't think you can have ultra-healthy plantz without the help of microbes.(cannabis uptake microbe wastes.) I have seen the faucet attachment types for as low as $11. I bet you can get your tap water ppm below 350 with those things. (Edited by hellostupid at 3:13 pm on Aug. 14, 2003)