Texas legalizing MJ

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Grown in Tx., Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Grown in Tx.

    Grown in Tx. Locked and Loaded

    I've heard from 2 different sources that Tx. Is gonna legalize. Perry is supposed to be signing the bill on 9-29 and it should go into effect Jan 1, 2015. Anyone else hear about this?
  2. Discorilla

    Discorilla Shining like a Discoball!

    This would be awesome if the rumors are true!
  3. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

  4. Grown in Tx.

    Grown in Tx. Locked and Loaded

    damn it man, that sucks!
  5. DXE

    DXE Moderator

    LOL - The chances of Ricky Bobby pushing an MMJ law is almost as good as Cuomo signing something useful here in NY
  6. Grown in Tx.

    Grown in Tx. Locked and Loaded

    Man, my phone has been blowing up the last few days because of this bullshit story. So I figured I would ask. I didn't think Perry would sign anything like that. He's a good governor but strait laced as they come

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Don't you hate that shit!! Somebody needs an ass whipping!! But I guess there's not a lot that can be done to stop it.

    Be Cool, CG
  8. Psycho D


    Sorry I just caught this but, yeah....Until at least a democrat gets elected as governor of TX, it's never gonna happen.

    The only southern state that's even remotely close is Mississippi. Only because they have a legit MMJ processor there. Florida maybe, but they are to scared of the smuggling of other stuff to be for real about it.

    Wildcard would be Arkansas. Wishful thinking on my part though because I'm sort of getting into mountain man age and would love nothing betting then to just chill in the ozarks with a crop..

  9. Grown in Tx.

    Grown in Tx. Locked and Loaded

    You and me both psycho, northern Arkansas is really nice. Although last time the wife and i were there, i had to replace the arm rest on the passenger door because of the death grip my wife had on it while driving through the mountains. I've always said if i ever move out of Tx it would be to Arkansas
  10. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Thats sucks GIT, i know for the past few years FL was going to go legal everyone said and it never got to the peoples vote and this year Finally we get the chance to vote in Nov, also we can vote to get rid of our A.General Pam Bondi that has caused a big pain in our ass for mj, we ditch her, we might be ok. Will see next month.

    Keep the faith and the fight GIT, one day. one day.
  11. Grown in Tx.

    Grown in Tx. Locked and Loaded

    Hey I hear ya C G, one day. I'm thinking the federal laws will change before most southern state laws. I love my area I was raised in and still live in and stand behind our southern laws and values, this is just one of those things that sucks about protecting our ways of life. Hell there's still some dry counties/towns in my area. The blue law which I'm sure is where MJ laws we'll be is still strong in Tx.

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