Independence Day, a time to celebrate our freedom and liberties. Try telling that to this pig. [YOUTUBE]w-WMn_zHCVo[/YOUTUBE] We can't allow them to take our freedom. Our forefathers did not fight and die for us to be treated like this. Happy birthday America. asssit:
My grandfather told me he fought the Germans in WW2 to protect our freedom and the freedom of our allies. He would be rolling in his grave if he saw this. asssit:
Yup Happy Independence day from Britain guys. Only tryant you got now is your own Law Enforcement. On a funnier note...have you ever seen such Ironic name for a park as Independence Park /monthly_2013_07/july4thind.jpg.37520f2aa3733cdf8e947c1d37a6290c.jpg
Are cops assholes? That's sort of a generic question. Are people that smoke weed assholes? Are people that go grocery shopping assholes? Law enforcement is a tough job not all are good at. Some guys are real douchebags like this particular po-po. To be frank though, that guy was being squirrely as fuck from jump like he wanted to youtube that shit ASAP and prove a point. Not the best way to go about it. If he would have just rolled down the window whether the cop asked him to or not. poof, nothing amazing is going to happen here. Don't be a guerilla youtube libertard. Cops aren't legal studies graduates, that is for the courts to decide. If you don't have anything in the car, don't be a jackass.
Rule #3 and the notice seems over the top and totalitarian. to the new America, we are watching you. :evil1:
That cop had no right to yell at him for not wanting his rights violated, attempting to open his door, Have a dog jump all over his car and detain him for hours while they try to find something to bust him on.Those cops were so pissed that guy would have gone to jail for a seed. Did he set them up? Of course he did. I would bet my last bowl pack he would have been acting a lot differently if he was riding dirty. But thats not the point, we live in America my friend and if we want to stand up for our rights then we should not be treated like criminals for it. Whatever happened to the presumption of innocents before guilt? That cop presumed he was guilty of something so come hell or highwater he was gonna find it. If they didnt spot that camera they probably would have planted a roach under the seat. Now im not saying all cops are bad but those cops were on a mission and they weren't gonna let a little thing like the Constitution get in the way. asssit:
I could not disagree more with your entire post. In my world, people that defend asshole cops, use terms insulting liberals, like "libertard", and say asinine things that attempt to justify violations of the 4th amendment like 'If you don't have anything to hide...' or variations thereof, are assholes.
I dont get Americans. If your rights are being fucked with you guy go all out as in gun control etc. But if a guy dares film cops and his dog gets shot hes a dick. If another refuses to open his car unless hes being detained hes a asshole. I know im from the UK so not fully clued up but can someone let me know when its cool to protect your rights and when its forbidden,jus for future reference:
That other guy was a dick for blaring his music over the swat team's loudspeakers during a possible hostage situation, not for filming. This guy is not a dick at all though. I laughed when those cops found the camera and went quiet real quick, lol.
Not saying you yourself are a problem but this mindeset is a HUGE problem. He was cocky. He was trying to prove a point. But it's a fucking point that needs to be made. Over. And over. These terrible cops (only some of them) need to be weeded out. The cop did not even answer him when he was asking if he was being detained. This kind of bullshit must stop.
No shit the cop was wrong, I said that. My point was, the dude was asking for it, acting shady like that. No doubt looking for a youtube paycheck. If yous can't see that then I don't know what to tell ya. Soccer referee decapitated after stabbing player to death in Brazil 4:14 p.m. EDT July 6, 2013 (Photo: Vanderlei Almeida, AFP/Getty Images) SAO PAULO (AP) — Police say enraged spectators invaded a football field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body after he stabbed a player to death. The Public Safety Department of the state of Maranhao says in a statement that it all started when referee Otavio da Silva expelled player Josenir Abreu from a game last weekend. The two got into a fist fight, then Silva took out a knife and stabbed Abreu, who died on his way to the hospital. VIOLENCE IN BRAZIL: Protester dies at Confederations Cup The statement issued this week says Abreu's friends and relatives immediately "rushed into the field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body." Local news media say the spectators also decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field. Police have arrested one suspect.
yeah thats my take. all these videos of pompous know it all pricks fucking with cops just to get youtube hits is ridiclous! so you know your right, go and have a wank about it! just remember as you shoot your load, your a cunt!!!
we have a thing in the uk called entrapment and it work both ways. This is definetly not something they have in the us. ive seen stupid vids like this one and ive watch cops set up bait cars. both 100% wrong.