:bigmojo:Congratulations:bigmojo: teamster6, Mr.greenjeans, and SteelCity Smoker .... your beautiful bud pics made this calendar a PLEASURE to create! Keep up the GREAT WORK! :bravo: asssit: :bananas: :bananas:asssit: otleaf3:otleaf3: otleaf-2: otleaf-2: otleaf-2: otleaf-2: otleaf-2: otleaf-2: otleaf-2: otleaf3:otleaf3: :flyy: Don't Forget!!:flyy: :stooges: Entries for the March :GK: Calendar Contest:clover: are being accepted thru Feb. 15th. PM your bud pic to: Member Submissions to get into the mix!! :beerchug3: :anithanks: & :gl:
god damn thats pretty Mr. d Very nice job indeed. Love it you made my day. Teamster6:beerchug-2: :droooling: :droooling: :droooling: :droooling:
CONGRATS Teamster, Mr GreenJeans, and Steel City! Very, very awesome buds! And Mr D, as always- Kick ass calendar!!! Thanks for all you do so well! Can't wait to see next month's entrants! Peace -LM
Congrats to Teamster,Mr.G , Steel, & everyone who entered some great looking buds Thanks Mr. D for making it happen.-Bud
Fuck Bud, thats what I was gonna say! Excellent job T6, SteelCity, Mr. Greenjeans! Great looking budz, for sure! Thanks Mr. D for putting this all together for us here at :GK: Kick ass . . . printing now!
congrats Teamster6, Mr. Green jeans, and steel city! so many good bu pictures! great job coming out on top! Mr. D, fantastic work my friend!
:bump: More entries are requested for the otleaf-3: March :GK: Calendar Contest!! otleaf-3: **2 days left to enter!** otleaf-3: otleaf-3: :ty2: