The Purge

Discussion in 'Politics' started by blackprince11, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Ok two simple questions:

    Does anyone here think that it would be a good thing if the U.S. actually had a "Purge Night" once a year in reality?


    Who here would "Purge" with me?:qleft1:

  2. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    no way bro. I want peace.
  3. Grown in Tx.

    Grown in Tx. Locked and Loaded

    I think there's enough purging in the streets already.
  4. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    violence results from being broke...go out an get a damn job (not you BP:roffl:) and alleviate the stress of wanting and needing things you cant me that's the root of all, of course its way deeper than that but look at why people get shot within more poverished areas. its pretty obvious to me atleast...people want what they cant have! but then again...broke lunatics have a shitty work ethic...the debate continues
  5. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    No purge...but....I think everybody should be given the right to kick one other human being square in the ass once a year.

    Think how nice everybody would be. Nobody would know who has, or hasn't, used up their one kick yet. Shop clerks would be polite, neighbors wouldn't bitch. Hell, think of the line waiting to get to Washington! Nobody would want to be a politician because they'd be getting their as kicked every day. Which is a good thing.

    Plus nobody would die.:bong-2:
  6. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Come on! No one's ever fucked you out of some serious money or fucked you over and got you fired from a job? No miserable, piece-of-shit assholes or conniving, vindictive, ball-busting bitches that our gene-pool could do without? Really? No takers? I knew you guys were a bunch of hippies!:roffl:

    And I mean that in the best possible way.
  7. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    I wonder if you'll feel the same when machines take all our jobs and we start rounding up old abandoned robots and killing them in a coliseum Roman Empire-style like in A.I.?

    "Any old iron?":smokin:
  8. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush


    Or how about a kick to the genitals? I hear a kick to a woman's vag can be quite painful. I would wear an iron cup 24/7!:roffl:

    "Ok sonny now you've just crossed the line. Ima gonna have to nut-kick you now. Come on and take it like a man. And don't flinch!"

    I think I would be a soccer-style kicker with a solid follow-through.
  9. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

  10. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    In more ways than you would possibly believe. :redbong:

    Why you so pissed off?
  11. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    I'm pissed because I just got fucked out of my job by a bunch of people that wanted me gone because I didn't "fit in."Didn't fit in"= not being a gang member, not walking, talking, and carrying myself like I'm from an impoverished and hopeless squalor-pit that they call 'the hood', being in college and having the audacity to value education, driving a car that's not a shit-bucket, working hard and being promoted to a better job right around the time that I got my degree and I may have let it slip out that I was happy with my life. No one ever talked to me or wanted to have anything to do with me because all of those things listed above obviously make me a sell-out and an asshole so I was pretty much isolated from the moment that they realized that I was what they called an "Oreo".

    But I was fine with that. I didn't have much in common with those miserable bastards anyway so I has happy to not be communicating with a bunch of hood-rats, but that wasn't good enough for them. I took their bullshit with too much stride for their liking. So one day I forget to put my .45 in the trunk and I accidentally wore the damn thing for a shift under my clothes. Well, someone must have seen a bulge on my side and had a conniption-fit. It was an honest mistake. But instead of someone tapping me on the shoulder and telling me that I accidentally had brought it in they seized the opportunity to run to management and tell them that I was armed.

    Our management staff is a bunch of monkeys that don't give a shit about anything and are so busy trying to fit in and relate to these people that there was no objectivity or benefit of doubt given at all on my part. I was offered up to the masses of people working there who's lives are miserable and just want to lash out at anyone that they perceive having a better, easier, or more successful life than them. They had turned the dish-room into a fucking pharmacy; pills, coke, crack, heroin, weed. A veritable horn of plenty of drugs was offered at that place and me and my legally owned and purchased firearm that was worn accidentally under my clothes one day is what had to be castigated in their minds. They put me on a suspension for four days almost a month ago and haven't called me back or put me back on the schedule yet. The person that makes all the decisions, the general manager, has been suspiciously indisposed every time I call and try to check on the status of my employment there. Coward.

    I take responsibility for my part but the punishment does not fit the crime here and no one should have to be perfect because they work in an environment and around people that are so toxic and full of hatred and venom that the slightest infraction invokes a fake outrage that ends their career. I'm still looking for a job with my Bachelors Degree and it would have been nice to have kept my job there until I found another one.

    So, yeah that's why I'm pissed and hoping that one day a purge will actually be permitted so that I can hunt those people down one by one and end the misery of their shallow and heartless existences. Until then one can only hope. And get plenty of target practice at the range.:new_snipersmilie:

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Take a second and chill dude. Sounds like a bunch of fuckheads that you don't really want to be around anyway. Getting out of there could have been the best thing for you. Don't let their pissy outlook on life screw up yours. Move on and put them behind you.

    And really, a weapon in the work place, regardless of the reason is going to throw up red flags. Put yourself in their place for a minute. An employee in position of a firearm on the job is bad enough, let alone in an atmosphere where there's friction.

    Be Cool, CG
  13. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    I hear you. Sometimes you take a few knocks in the world. Pisses you off.

    But you will move on. I know this: with my temper I can and have gotten myself into a lot of trouble over the years.

    I read about a study done that tried to find similarities in the personalities of wealthy and outwardly successful people. There was only one. Black, white, rich, poor, religious or not, the one thing ALL successful people had in common was SELF CONTROL.

    :redbong::redbong: Give it some time then PURGE your system of the hatred and anger. If you don't it can eat you up inside and make you crazy.
  14. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    I know y'all. I guess I'm just venting. I have too bright of a future ahead of me and a little girl that needs me too much to do anything stupid but this just keeps happening over and over again. I can't even do for me and my family because I'm not a fucking criminal minded thug. Or because they think I act too "white" whatever the fuck that stupid shit really means. I guess that would make sense if I were in the streets making my living but these are legit jobs that I'm on that I keep getting pigeon-holed and pushed out of because I'm working around a bunch of people that don't want to work, don't have any pride in their work, and despise me for no other reason than I speak English well, am educated, and work hard.

    My hard work seems to threaten them because no one wants to work along my side because they hate my guts for not being "black" enough, so I guess that makes them look bad. It would be much better for them in their opinions if EVERYBODY was lazy and half-assed about doing their job so that there is no one that's actually working around them to contrast them with. None of them cared about doing their jobs quickly or efficiently or showing up on time and when I got promoted they got sooooo fucking mad that they couldn't even hide their emotions around me sometimes. It was a really nasty and negative environment but until I get my career going with my degree that's going to be everywhere I work so there was no sense in just quitting and going somewhere else. Plus why should I leave? I was doing my job. If they had a problem with that then THEY should leave not ME! And in the end I still get fucked. Man fuck the world!

    But seriously we need a purge for people like that. I would support it 100%.
  15. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    I would be a blue Bautisia buying, flag-waving, purge warrior mutherfucker just for the opportunity to merc little bitches like them. Plus with the amount of haters and haterism I have I would need to stay mobile on Purge night so as to not make myself an easy target. I would be very hard to kill especially since you can't use explosives and rig my car to blow. Just keep moving and mobile by hunting the ones that are hunting me.
  16. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead job is never guna be in jeopardy, you cant make a machine that can finish concrete or build shit, trades are where its at on that note

    as far as being fucked on cash and screwed over in some way by reap what you sew...ive literally never been screwed over by anyone..taken advantage of by ME not knowing any better, yes ...but ive always tried to stay ahead of anyone/thing that im going,car, hard and take advantage of opportunities given to advance in life and it all seems to work out pretty good

    Cry in your cheerios or splash around in your puddle of piss...not so good:roffl:
  17. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Well there is no getting ahead of people that hate you for being you. If it wasn't this incident it would have been another because no one is perfect. If a nest of vipers is just sitting there coiled waiting to strike at a moments notice out of pure hatred how can you combat that? By doing exactly what I've been doing: doing my job, staying away from busters and haters, going to school and bettering myself so that I can get a degree that will have me working around a better class of people. I just wish there was more I could do about it than just move on because this was just wrong on so many levels.

    And it's hard not to cry in your cheerios when someone just shit in your cornflakes.:roffl:
  18. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Oh my god! I think I just came up with a name for my autobiography! "It's hard not to cry in your Cheerios when some one just shit in your Cornflakes"!!!
  19. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    And that joke is a prime example of why black people don't like me usually!:roffl:
  20. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Ok...this is coming straight.

    1. You're suffering Sammy Davis Jr. syndrome.

    2. You were a total and complete fuktard for bringing a firearm into a workplace unannounced to your employer. Dude, there is no excuse for this one.

    I like ya BP. Think you're a damn smart cat, but none of that shit is their fault. Still nothing that a good solid kick in the ass wouldn't fix.


    as an after thought, remember, I'm just a faceless boob on a cannabis growsite. What the fuck do I know about blackness, or level thereof, or the "hood"?:bong-2:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2014

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