Timeing feeding

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by 1bossman, Sep 18, 2003.

  1. 1bossman

    1bossman Veggy Stage

    in a drip system what should the on/of settings be? How often does it need to run and for how long? Should I just plug it in and let it run? How long can the roots be left with out fluid? (for changeing resivor) -peace-
  2. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Run it for 15 mins on, then either 15-30 minutes off. SOmetimes you can go up to an hour off, depending on strain and plant size and transpiration rates.
  3. 1bossman

    1bossman Veggy Stage

    Thanks again Useless!

    (Edited by 1bossman at 2:57 am on Sep. 18, 2003)
  4. 1bossman

    1bossman Veggy Stage

    I am haveing trouble finding a timer that will turn on and off that many times a day.  Any help on finding a timer would be appreciated.

    I'm loseing controll! I just bought a new 8 site pvc drip unit. I cant help it. It looked really cool.

    (Edited by 1bossman at 2:45 pm on Sep. 20, 2003)
  5. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    i found a timer at Albertson's grocery store that has 15-min increments. it's made by GE, about $10-12.
  6. HappyJay

    HappyJay Red Eyed Jedi

    The analog timers with the 15 min increments are the way to go, sometimes hard to find, sometimes all you can find. They are easy to use, depress one pin per 15mins etc.

    For my larger dutch pots, I like to drip for 15 mins every 3hours/light, in veg, evry 2hours in flower and for 15 mins every 4hours in both dark periods.

    This is for larger 15litre dutchpots running clayballs so you will realy have to just keep an eye on your girls and their medium. Try to keep it not to wet, yet not dry out, so also depends if you start in cubes or not.

    When testing the wtness of most of my system I like to run for a few days with out plants. Ill trial differtent timings with pots empty, partially full and full off media to see how well the spead of nutrients travels through the pots and such.
  7. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:Walmart sells a 30min increment multiple setting timer fer $5....

    ...i bought one fer my cheapo aerocloner...


    ....on my first attempt at da cheapo aerocloner...

    ...i got my purple shaman and blue mystic cuttingz to root inbetween 6-9 dayz!!! I find that completely amazing becuz it took me over 10dayz to root in Rockwool Cubes...

    Furthermore;i didn't even use a Humidity Dome...i just sprayed them a few times a day;replace the distilled water(5.0ph) every 3 dayz;no nutes nor root powder!!!:shocked:

    (Edited by hellostupid at 4:51 am on Sep. 21, 2003)
  8. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    After finding the GE 15 min increment timers i have never looked back.They are the best and i have even run both my HID's of them (1 timer per light) for 2 years now with out fail....that says alot.The only thing is they lose time over a couple of months,however i haven't seen an analog that didn't.
  9. 1bossman

    1bossman Veggy Stage

    Just wanted to give an update. My plants are 2 weeks old and they are taller than a Pepsi can and are really spreading out. I cant belive how fast they are growing. Showing alternating nodes too! I love this Hydro stuff. I have never smoked Hydro, hope I like it.... -peace-

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