Too big?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by DOAinNY, May 19, 2004.

  1. DOAinNY

    DOAinNY Guest

    Hi All,

    What would the drawback(s) be of transferring a plant that is roughly 3feet tall to an outdoor plot? From what I'm reading, this seems to be considerably larger than the norm.

    Thanks for your thoughts..
  2. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    WOW, are you kidding me, that would be amazing. DO it, it will get to be around 7-8 feet when its done flowering. My dad grew a plant that is now 6 feet indoors, he jsut moved it outside...amagine how big that will be??!?!?!?!
  3. DOAinNY

    DOAinNY Guest

    Excellent!  They went outdoors last weekend and we'll see!!
  4. GhostDog

    GhostDog Begun Flowering

    im also looking for a spot to plant my 3 foot plant thats been vegging for the last couple of months so many shoots. well its bagseed and i dont have room for it anymore under the light.

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