Top DEA agent won’t admit heroin more harmful than marijuana

Discussion in 'Politics' started by LionLoves420, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

  2. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    I want what she is smoking:jj:-Bud
  3. that gringo

    that gringo Young Bud of GK

    Some people are addicted to meth,some to weed. And some people are just ignorant assholes....fuck that bitch lol
  4. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    The comments after the article are always fun to read. I liked this one.

    "I go by the worst case scenarios.

    The worst drunk: dead

    The worst coke head: dead

    The worst junkie: dead

    The worst meth head: dead

    The worst pot head: listening to music in his apartment"

  5. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    talk about a deer in the headlights.....

    She may as well be holding up the script she's reading from. I bet she's clicking her heals together & saying "there's no place like home, there's no place like home"...
  6. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    From Wikipedia:

    That's about the time the Feds started really cracking down on the Dispensaries in California...
  7. bigbudztoo

    bigbudztoo growin the good stuff

    I just read that the Colorado initiative to tax and regulate cannabis has a

    good shot at passing. Going to be interesting to watch the Fed reaction to that one. They will try and throw their weight really hard to squash it.

    And by weight, I mean OUR Tax dollars. What a bunch of crap.

  8. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    You dialed it. It was shortly after Leonhart was appointed that the Ogden memo, specifying a hands off policy, was replaced by the Cole memo specifying no tolerance by the feds for State law.

    This chick is a real piece of work worthy of the Anslinger Award.
  9. teamster6

    teamster6 A Fat Sticky Bud

    Can you really believe that stupid bitch is running the DEA??? You have got to be kidding me. Its no wonder they are so fucked up. She reminds me of janet Reno

  10. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    It's simple math. If weed were legal, they'd be forced to reduce the 400+ DEA agents in the world. A family member is DEA and they draw a healthy paycheck, believe me!
  11. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    We'll hear that as the next justification MrA. Prohibition is a jobs stimulus program. Bust a pothead, create a job. It's good for the economy. If they're already lying what does it matter right?

    BTW, Don't even get me started on LEO compensation. It's fucking absurd what some of these brain dead thugs rake in.
  12. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Oh... I do NOT agree with it! I'm just sayin' that I can see where their priorities are!

    Another is retired and you (the whole family knows) can tell that they're pretty-much set in retirement.
  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Never assumed you agreed. :thumbsup:

    Got a brain dead near imbecile racist cousin who is an ICE agent. Fucker escorts illegals back to Mexico. Not a particularly taxing job. He rakes 70K plus bennies plus a nice fat pension that kicks in for him at 55. Not bad for a high school grad with absolutely no skills who's main goal in life is to shoot things and hit people. That's how he was as a kid and how he is as an adult. A fat stupid bully with limited gray matter who is raising fat stupid kids with a fat stupid wife. But they're Amerrcins by god!

    Want to hear the funny part? He votes Democrat every election.:roffl::roffl::roffl: The racist homophobic gun loving animal killing pick-up driving idiot votes against everything he believes in.
  14. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    They're otherwise very good ppl. They just think a drug is a drug is a drug!

    I can't get too specific on here, but one's choice to join was rampant corp. coke use yrs. ago.
  15. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    Maybe but if weed were legal, don't you think there would be more then 400 gov. jobs need in order to regulate the industry? That doesn't even touch on the private sector jobs that would be created.

    They're only concerned about their own jobs and nothing else, the could give two shits about the "American people". It's similar to the local governments wasting money paving perfectly good roads just to make sure their budget isn't cut the following year. Nothing buy selfish pricks

    is what they really are.

    Guess I agree with what you're saying after all. :thumbsup:
  16. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    True, but that has nothing to do with the number of DEA...
  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Even with weed legal the DEA wouldnt go short of work.....A Govt will always keep making stuff illegal and keep classing recreationals as hard drugs.Plenty work to go round.Its the "DEA pension fund" that would suffer:icon_rolleyes:
  18. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Hey you got something against fat people or just fat pricks :lmao: -Bud
  19. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Just stupid fat pricks. Plain old fat pricks are fine so we're both safe Bud.

    MrA- Naw..I'm thinking very few are ok anymore. Here's one for you, iit shook any faith I had left in the judicial system.

    My college age daughter's boyfriend is in a heap of shit. He went to a party, got drunk, decided to walk home instead of drive (smart kid). A cop saw him wobbling home and gave him the once over. Cited him for underage consupmtion or some such shit. The kid is 20 years old.

    He's now on a year probation, has to attend AA, has to attend mandatory drug awareness classes, lost his student loans until probation is done (spring 2013) and he can get his record expunged. All because a twenty year old kid drank to much and walked home.

    You think that cop didn't realize what a rash of shit he was opening up on this kid? What happened to human decency? It ain't alive and well in LEO that's for sure.
  20. Stash2.0

    Stash2.0 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    no compassion from them...i agree wirh res...

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