Transplanting Hydro

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by rodge 420, May 31, 2004.

  1. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    What's Up GK
    just bought 1 of those cloning bubblers of ebay
    15 site with 2" net pots, 3 gal res.
    Can you put a hydro plant into a bigger pot a month or more into the grow.
    What is the size plant will a 2" net pot hold?
    I plan on useing 6 of the 15 sites (holes) for my grow then build a bigger system if it works out.
  2. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    a 2" net pot is small ... perfect for a seedling. you will need to go to a bigger net pot soon. 6" net pots are the usual size for growing a hydro plant.

    grow on! :wave:
  3. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    Thanks MaryMary

    but that is what i need to know.

    can you repot a hydro plant after it have been growing for a few weeks or more.

    If you cut the roots will it kill the plant or slow growth down. I wanted to grow till the reach 12" the move them to a bigger net pot or soil.

  4. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    I have searched the net for two days and have not found anything about transplanting with hydro

    So i guess you can't, I just better start off with the biggest pots first. My seedling need to be transplanted now, so i have to wait to use the bubbler in my later grows.
  5. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    sure, you can transplant hydro.  but NEVER cut the roots!  

    sure, you could start a plant in a 2" netpot and then transplant it into a bigger netpot as it get bigger/taller.

    just be sure the roots have room to breathe or you'll stunt your growth.

    (Edited by marymaryquitecntrary at 4:44 pm on June 1, 2004)
  6. greenkitty

    greenkitty Full Flowering

    I use a Daisey cloner myself. 8 sites with 2 inch pots. i use power clone and a good cloning gel on my cuttings. Have roots in 5 to 7 days. This is the time you want to go to a bigger pot. Let your roots get and inch or to long and then transplant into the larger size pots. I have used both 3.5 inch and 6 inch pots and both worked. The 6 inch pot will be more stable for the plants for me because i use DWC (bubbler buckets) for now. Letting the roots grow beyond the net pot and triing to transplant then just makes no since to me because of possible root damage and stunting the growth of the plant.
  7. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    You can actually use 2" net pots all the way through flower. However, because the base diameter is so small, it will topple over if not supported using ties, or sticks or some other method.

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