Transporting Clones

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by noreastgrow, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. noreastgrow

    noreastgrow Super Dank Headies

    What's the preferred method for transporting rooted clones to a remote grow site without destroying the clones? Back pack? Duffel bag? Just worried that during transport some clones might snap.

  2. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    I'd just leave them in the tray and transport them in a cardboard box within the tray. When you plant them you'll need to fashion some kind of cages for them so that they don't get eaten by animals or bugs.
  3. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Put them in soda bottles
  4. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I put mine in stackable crates. These crates have handles, and can fit them in the trunk real nice. I stack one on top of another. Not sure where I even got these, but Ive been using them for years. Ive seen a lot of guys use just cardboard boxes, and haul them in a car trunk. THe boxes are closed up, so u can carry one on top of the other, when truckin it to your grow site.

  5. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion

    igloo bus

    little playmate cooler & solo cups ...i also cut 1litter soda bottles cut i half & slid back together gives them a nice top ..

    my buddie uses milk jugs in a milk crate
  6. daytrypper

    daytrypper A Fat Sticky Bud

    ive been using cardboard drinking glass boxes, the dividers in the boxes help keep the cups upright.
    HeadCase likes this.
  7. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Good idea it would be easy to make dividers out of cardboard to fit any box.-Bud
  8. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    I carry mine 2 or 3 at a time

    I keep the 3 cups in my crotch as i drive.

    Last time i went thru a traffic check I had time to ''destroy'' plantlets.
  9. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P


    That's almost as funny as popping the trunk at the pumps! :lmao:
  10. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    No shit, Licence check, But I never take chances if i can avoid them

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