Troubling news

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 67ranchero, Mar 17, 2003.

  1. 67ranchero

    67ranchero Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I just heard a report on MSNBC that kind of bothers me, they are reporting that US and British special forces units are in Iraq and are in contact with Iraqi military leaders. They (MSNBC) are claiming that the special forces soldiers have arranged for mass surrender of large amounts of Iraqi troops. That part is great news, the troubling part is that the news media is reporting this before it happens. Don't you think Sadaam can get MSNBC on his dish? What if he discovers which units are involved and executes the commanders so that they won't surrender? This is poor judgement by MSNBC I think.
  2. elcajon555

    elcajon555 A Fat Sticky Bud

    The media often puts its foot in its mouth. They are always reporting **** before it is for certain, for example in the 2000 election that reported that flordia was won by gore, even before have the states polls were closed. Don't know if saddam can view that network, but the media should learn not open its mouth. Peace.
  3. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    Thats not right! The fact that the media puts lives at risk with their roports, is a fuckin act of treason. Willingly communicating the stragety to the enemy. Plan and simple treason!! They will never be charged with anything, ever. The freedom of speech is essential to our freedom, so I quess we just chalk it up to collateral damage. And that too SUCKS!!! Man, I couldn't sleep at night if I reported that ****. Peace all!

  4. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    things like that dont go public by accident. Theres strategy to things like this. Mostly FEAR. Saddam is already very distrusting of his republican guard. This makes him look over his shoulder, that much more.
  5. The Dawg

    The Dawg Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Sylent you are so right,they wanted this to get out no doubt abot it.
  6. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:jus like during WWII...American Companies were selling goodz to the enemy....all in the name of profit!!!

    Now that'z treason!!!

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