... It always comes out in the wash as we say. 47% of the voters alienated. On the flipside though he definetly has a vision..... for how Iran can attack America This guy aint no statesman. Although its important to realise that 53% of USA are gonna agree with his statements.Sooo,has this really damaged him or will this boost his popularity among republicans http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-19637631
1- He's not getting my vote. 2- Nothing he said was incorrect as far as my perspective. Half the folks in the U.S. do either think of themselves as victims or are dependent on government for jobs or $$. They most likely will NOT vote repub. The mideast is a quagmire that neither he nor any other Pres can fix. Palestine is NOT moving toward peace (neither is Israel). Just another round of gotcha politics while the country goes to hell. Good job press guys!:thumbsup: Let's get to the real nitty gritty and see what the candidates think about Sweden now.
Its always interesting though res to see the facade dropped in a 'private' setting. He just seems like a slightly more polished version of Bush jnr IMHO. It is strange though that the media chose to report it as "alienates half of americas voters" instead of "Romneys opinion embraced by over half of America" Politics is a funny old game innit,you can be a man of substance but one gaffe too many and your fucked..Peace:jj:
Dude...it isn't behind the scenes or private. That is a canned message for a canned audience of big buck supporters who are spoon fed what they want to hear so the $$ keeps flowing. Obama does the same damn thing. Pablum for the well heeled believers.
With the electoral college it doesn't matter who we vote for. Americans voted Al Gore in for president but the EC chose W so he stayed in. some say the best liar wins. Some say they wont vote, which in my book says shut the fuck up on the issues if you didnt vote.
Fuck both Romney AND Obama. I'm doing a write-in this year. It probably won't count for shit, but I'm doing it anyway.
Kind of irrelevant, but I wanted to share this: Yesterday afternoon I got a call for a political survey. Having done the job myself, I said sure. Only 2 questions.. for State Senate or some shit between 2 candidates. Question 1: Most important issue- Economy, National Defense, Or Medical Care... Question 2- Who will you be voting for? Undecided? No problem, I'll just volunteer you for this one...:wtf?:
I would never vote for this joker, but what he said resonates a little. But there is a reason why many people choose to live off the system rather than work and that is the wages. Minimum wage is a joke and it keeps all the other wages down. Gas over 4, groceries through the roof, services sky high (my local Caddy dealer is getting 140/hr for labor!!), and don't even get me started on education costs. Fact is until right the money starts to get spread around more proportionately you will have people that choose to do nothing. I mean you will always have lazy people looking for a free ride but there is a large amount of people who want to work in this country but aren't going to complicate their lives to make 10/hr. If you have kids it might be easier to have 1 parent stay at home and collect unemployment or apply for aid rather than work for a shit wage for long hours and have to pay outrageous costs for day care for you children. (You know the kids that right wingers want to force you to have by eliminating contraception and abortion) I read a stat that said in late 90's CEO to average worker pay was like 45-1 ratio and in 2011 it was over 350-1!! It may have been just fortune 500 companies but you get my point. When Ford rebounded after turning down bailout they tossed off their newly appointed CEO a 50 mil stock bonus. Now, what would stimulate the economy more....giving someone with unlimited wealth 50 million who will park it in off shore tax havens and pay less in taxes on it (if any) than you and I pay on our income (bonuses included, and actually taxed heavier than normal income), or spreading that bonus throughout the entire company. You know, the people who make the product and will take the money and most likely instantly put it back into the economy by purchasing something or paying down debt. Maybe give them a 10k gift card toward a new Ford to keep the money in this country and entice people to purchase goods made in the US. But we give it to one person who doesn't need it and most likely won't spend most of it and won't pay much taxes on any of it. I could rant for days but the income in-equality is the biggest issue that if turned around would trickle down into every other issue we are struggling with right now. People are being forced to sacrifice saving for education, retirement, etc to fund getting to and from work and feeding themselves. My generation isn't getting 401k's and will not being able to save what is necessary to ever retire and won't be able to rely on things like social security (which I've payed into my entire working life). And it's because we are giving the wealth to a few and allowing them to keep it for minimal cost.
Speakin' truth sticky. Issues like this are what infuriates me about the two party system. I'm a Mises following capitalist but that doesn't mean there aren't areas where government intervention can't help to balance the system and this is one example. Dems go to far and try to balance via entitlement and repubs simply look the other way believing 'opportunity' will cure all. How about this? Cut government programs, tie executive compensation of all types to a multiple of the lowest salaried worker, lower the top tier tax rate to 25% while doing away with capital gains rates. Top tier taxpayers average around 18% because of capital gains. So, a drop in the top marginal income tax rate coupled with the loss of capital gains effects a net 7% INCREASE in realized taxation. These are the type of ideologically married solutions we should be hearing about or discussing during a campaign year. Not the who insulted who bullshit that gets tossed around but both parties have their heads so far up each others fringe element asses they don't dare open their eyes.
TA you prove a valid point why the country we live in is going in the shitter. You are inquiring about the debates (you live in UK correct) and walk around the streets here and hardly anyone will be able to tell you when the debates are and will probably say they dont give a shit. They just wanna complain but aren't proactive in getting into the debate. Hell, half the people probably wont even know what the hell it is. People just aren't informed. I was watching them interview people outside the RNC in Tampa and asked one woman who she is voting for and she got all excited and said "Romney" and when asked why stated "cause he's a good christian man"!!! People are clueless. Mormons don't even believe that Mary was a virgin (which I'm pretty sure undermines the entire catholic church since the immaculate conception is KINDA the bread and butter). Many people who will vote for him use the entitlement programs he will remove and are part of the percentage of America he has waged war with. Fact is racism is still very much a part of Obama's presidency and they could put a white mannequin up there and alot of people will vote for it.
You had me right up to here. If your calling racism then it cuts both ways. You could run a black mannequin and it would still get 90% of the black vote.
And if an open stoner was running 90% of us would vote for him. Human nature to relate to the similar.
The other part to that is that before Obama the majority of blacks, even southern babtist, already voted democrat. A black democrat shows up and all of the sudden it was racial motivation to vote him in.