DTrumps talk in Alabama reminded me of the sout park episode where everyone was yelling "they took R jobs!" :roffl: Did you see the red neck behind him. It was classic political theater. Every time Trump yelled "were building a wall across mexico", the redneck yelled "their taking R jobs!" Then when Trump said "I will tax China 35%", the red neck yelled "Their taking R jobs!" We know, India did too...."took my job!"
I am the long haired red neck, I would of thought there would of been some drinking and stuff going on there in Al. Most of us southerners dont go many places we cant get a drink or bring one. I guess I figured it would of been more wilder. ----------------------------------------- I think trump has a few paid "screamers" on the tour with him, everyone up front just happens to have a copy of his book. Altho every stop he makes has the same script, the thing that I dont care for is the self grad he does, I have met more than one super rich guy and most of them are full of themselves. The business ideas sound good, Let china pay us back some of the money we owe And quit rapeing us. (Of course we fucked ourselves). His military speach needs alot of work "I am going to build the best, biggest military in the world, no one will mess with us"....(thats it? Who, when, where, why?) i thought we allready had the best and biggest and look who we are dealing with now. I think he has the balls but better rely on the top brass to steer him if he makes it.
I was just fuckin with ya, I'm the long haired country boy Charlie Daniels sings about. I saw him too, he was getting all excited and shit. I did come away liking trump a little more though.
If Ttrump, by some hell begotten miracle, becomes President, and the current Republican leadership remains..... Watch Wall Street and big business rake in $$$$$$ while the current stagnation of income non-growth continues for the rest of us. He sounds good. Pushes a few key hot points and doesn't buy the politically correctness that mutes many arguments. Kudos...Yay Donny! But the cat doesn't have a clue about the problems plaguing middle Americans. It's as if he's trying to come off as the next coming of Teddy Roosevelt, but lacks the credentials, or depth of understanding, to pull it off.