I thought fox farm was the best but I just figured it wasn't the hard way. It burned up my little babies. So I'm now taking suggesting on what is some good soil n where to get. It from. If I just. Replanted. My babies 3 days ago into some new soil. They had nute burn thanks to fox farm. How long would it take 4 them to catch root again r is is 2 late.
if you don't want to risk burning plants, don't use stuff with ferts already in it. some folks do, but they got a few grows under their belt. for soil - 1/3 organic compost, 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermiculite/perlite. add a couple of cups of DOLOMITE lime in there for every gallon of soil mix for pH stabilization. compost has all the nutes you need for the first month or so of your grow. peace GTWT :XXhippylove:
I was always a big fan of black gold soils...with perlite and vermiculite.... good start I think...I used their seedling soil once but I think its a waste, just a finer soil that sinks more...dunno. Happy Growin'
I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest, mixed with 40% Perilite. Some people add Dolomite Lime, but I don't. I've been using it for 8 years and I love it. There's several different recipes, but I just keep it simple.
Roots Organics I also didn't have great results with Fox Farms Ocean Forest. I read all kinds of great stuff but I had much better results with Roots Organics. It's fairly similar in content to the FFOF but it's not as hot, and I think it has better structure. I do add some perlite, AZOMITE and Dolomitic Lime. But I've had good results using it straight. Best of luck. Grat
I also use FFOF adding about 40-50% perlite and lime. I just started experimenting with adding a tiny bit of extra guano to the mix in an outdoor setting. If I add the guano to the indoor plants like the outdoor ones, they get a little burn but they adjust to it after about a week or 2.
I have been using Master Nursery Gold Medal Plus Dr. Earth potting soil. Google either Gold Medal Plus Dr. Earth and see where you can buy it. I use it right out of the bag. It works great! I LOVE this soil. Perfect consistency, drains well, contains 100% organic amendments. I transplant my clones to 3 gallon pots and flower them and don't have to feed for at least 3 to 4 weeks. Never burns small clones or seedlings either. It's less expensive than Fox Farms or Roots Organics(Both of which are high quality products) and is IMO just as good or better since no mixing is necessary. Check into it.
I've also recently had some problems with FFOF. I just bought a bag of sunshine organic planting mix. I'm def gonna add a some lime and perlite but it looks pretty good and for half the price of FFOF.
Miracle Gro Potting Soil that feeds for three months. It has nutrients in it already but has never burned any of my seedlings even from the first grow. Miracle Gro Bloom Booster however is a completely different story. I start out 1/4 of the strength that the box suggests and I move it up slowly as the plant allows me to and still look healthy. If you have any questions about Miracle Gro nutes or soil and you can't find me then ask HeadCase. He's tha man when it comes to Miracle Gro! Hope this helps. Good luck!
Super Soil mixed with perlite. Go to a hydroponics store and get some decent fertilizer. Miracle grow will make your buds taste like shit. Growing since 1968 so I do have some experience.
I wouldn't give up of FFOF. I still use it, mixed like the others do, only with coco since I have a couple of big bags left. I start seedlings off in 50% FFOF 50%coco with a little lime mixed in. Works great for a month more or less.
I think the point of this thread was that he was looking for a good soil that he can use right out of the bag without any mixing necessary. I still recommend the Master Nursery Gold Medal Plus Dr Earth. It's perfect right out of the bag and never burns my babies. It contains all the right amounts of 100% organic amendments. It's ready to go to work no mixing of anything is necessary.