United States Cannabinoids patent document

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cannagirl, May 4, 2012.

  1. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    This Patent on Cannabinoids is from the 'US Government' from '2003'. It states that MJ/Cannabis 'has' a great deal of Medical value. Peeps, when suing the Federal Government to overturn the unfair, out of date MJ/Pot Laws, this is the document to use for Proof in Federal Court that the MJ Prohibition laws are bogus & nothing but Propaganda & lies.

    MJ/Hemp should be re-classified out of the 'Controlled Substance' category by Obama or Holder. A simple stroke of the pen. The same duplicitous, wasteful government that lies repeatedly & says that THC/MJ has no Medical value, none, filed this Patent that says it does. 'They' want MJ to stay illegal or a 'Controlled Substance' so that they can continue to fund the illicit War on MJ/Weed & make a profit. The War on MJ is a War on the Public.

    The crooked Congress & the White House are protecting certain Industries profits. Like Big Oil, Paper, Pharma, Tobacco/Alcohol & Military & Police weapons manufacturers. It's just more Corporate Welfare & Government subsidies to Corporations that don't pay their taxes. While the rest of America & the World want MJ/Hemp/Cannabis 'made legal completely' or for Medical at least, these greedy Corporatists in the crooked Congress are working against the Public & in their own self-interests. It's all about bribes/lobbying money. Throw These Bums Out, both sides of the aisle.


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