This Patent on Cannabinoids is from the 'US Government' from '2003'. It states that MJ/Cannabis 'has' a great deal of Medical value. Peeps, when suing the Federal Government to overturn the unfair, out of date MJ/Pot Laws, this is the document to use for Proof in Federal Court that the MJ Prohibition laws are bogus & nothing but Propaganda & lies. MJ/Hemp should be re-classified out of the 'Controlled Substance' category by Obama or Holder. A simple stroke of the pen. The same duplicitous, wasteful government that lies repeatedly & says that THC/MJ has no Medical value, none, filed this Patent that says it does. 'They' want MJ to stay illegal or a 'Controlled Substance' so that they can continue to fund the illicit War on MJ/Weed & make a profit. The War on MJ is a War on the Public. The crooked Congress & the White House are protecting certain Industries profits. Like Big Oil, Paper, Pharma, Tobacco/Alcohol & Military & Police weapons manufacturers. It's just more Corporate Welfare & Government subsidies to Corporations that don't pay their taxes. While the rest of America & the World want MJ/Hemp/Cannabis 'made legal completely' or for Medical at least, these greedy Corporatists in the crooked Congress are working against the Public & in their own self-interests. It's all about bribes/lobbying money. Throw These Bums Out, both sides of the aisle.