I saw some really cheap peat pots at lowes, they said on them, that u can do ur cloning and stuff in them, and once u r ready to transplant them outside, u can just stick the pot and all into the ground, does this work well? and if it does, can ne 1 tell me how theres turned out. Thanks
they work alright, they just decompose when there in the ground and allow the roots to continue growing
Personally, I don't care for them. I've harvested plants that still had the pot on the roots months later, and it was obvious that root growth had been restricted. I found most just didn't decompose quickly enough to not inhibit roots. If you do use them, at transplant, make certain the entire pot is buried below the surface, or they will act as a wick for your water, wicking it away.
I would say that peat pots would be O.K..Also, I would have to agree with Hi-country,the fact that you have to make sure the peat decomposes into your soil.Other than that O.K. ( I recommend Rapid Rooter Starter Plugs)