veg indoor and flower outdoor

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by shore_island, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. shore_island

    shore_island Developed Alternating Nodes

    I know that blueberry is not an outdoor plant, but since i"m having trouble vegetating outdoor because of the short days periods and the long nights, can i veg that blueberry inside and then take her outside to flower with out affecting the quality of the plant????
  2. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    I bet so, But if it were me id bring her in and do her inside:passit:
  3. shore_island

    shore_island Developed Alternating Nodes


    i want to flower her inside but the problem is that i dont have nothing to control the odor, and when that ladie start to flower i dont wanna imagine the perfume of that ladie all over the house.

    also another problemthat i might have is that i dont have air conditioner in the area were my lady is at, and as soon i switch to a HPS the tempetures will go high as a desert, and i get scare to burn them..........

    any suggestion:bong2:
  4. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    I assume you do not live alone?

    Man I guess it depends on how bad you want to see this gal finished.

    With the diminishing light your out of options outside for veg ?

    Sounds like leaving her out to flower is not an option due to temps?

    Get a scrubber, or a ona breeze for smell and bring her in I guess?

    May be a few wall flowers?

    If they wont find the smell of pine sol suspicious :rofl: put some in a bucket:passit:

    and hang a small fan over it
  5. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    Ya cant veg outside this time of year, dude. Vegging takes 16 hours of daylight---and now it's FALL, wiht about half and half day/dark.

    If your plantsa are in the veg state, you NEED then to be in 16 or more hours of light, whether in or out. Either bring them in and under a light for another five or six hours after dark OR just put them under youyr light for a full 16, with no outside timje at all.


  6. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Shore, my man, you can veg inside and flower outside if the temperature will allow. Where do you live? How will the temperature be in 9-12 weeks? It's kind of late,and here in Texas, you'd be pushing it. I say throw her outside and hope it doesn't freeze..Your quality shouldn't diminish if you take care of her. Peace
  7. shore_island

    shore_island Developed Alternating Nodes


    Thanks my friends for all the quick response,

    i live in the caribbean, tempetures here are fine, the coldest tempeture that i can get is like 75 degrees........ if i take her outside she can get mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm like 10 hours of light...
  8. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Throw her outside. As long as you take care of her, you'll get some good bud! Peace
  9. link420

    link420 Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    hell yeah dude, if your temps never get below the 70s you can veg them indoors and throw them out for flowering when they are ready, should be no problem at all. Shit, if I lived in the Caribbean I'd grow outside year round :smile:
  10. shore_island

    shore_island Developed Alternating Nodes

    Yes man

    LOL, yes man, in here the lowest temp that we get is 75 degrees, most of the time in the day we get 90 degrees.... the problem is that i don"t know why but if i plant to veg outside direct to the sun my plants start to flower very early...... and i get very poor buds

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