
Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Nix Prophets, Apr 9, 2004.

  1. Nix Prophets

    Nix Prophets Guest

    I just moved to Virginia from FL, and I would just like some tips on this new climate im forced to get used to...
    From what ive learned in my experience, I think adding sand and multch to ya avergae pot hole would do the trick once I break up the clay, But I don't exactly know how to deal with the climate, Anybody from VA, Maryland, WV or anywhere nearby care to drop some knowledge?

    Also, will my buds grow well outdoors in VA? I know frost comes first week of Nov so I should be strait for harvest.... I just wana know if this Climate would produce some crippy, or KB like northern folks would say, and maybe a few tips on insect/animal control would be helpful.. I use to just use that nicotine water junk, and wasp hives near my grow.... I know it seems like alot but can anybody help? If not I guess i'll have to run w/ what I know about FL.....

    BTW if it helps I start all my plants indoors under compact fluoros's for about a week or so.....
  2. nutman03

    nutman03 Guest

    Prophet, I live in WV. From my excperince of outdoor cultivation in this climate is that it is not that great but it can be done. Last year I had a small harvest that I was proud of. The #1 thing that determines your growth around here is weather or not you have good sun light! If you choose a good plot to plant the only pest you'll have to worry about is DEER (there bitches) but you can take care of them by some simple chicken wire fencing and a few posts. Also im so glad to hear a southerner call it KB!!


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