VOTE now!

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by Lemonpie, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    We will do a vote on:
    1st prize
    2nd prize
    3rd prize

    MY vote is:
    1st MellowDood.
    2nd Herbie
    3rd MisSativa

    Good luck and I will announce the winners Sunday March 7th.

    DO NOT vote for Lemonpie. I entered pics for fun;)

    (Edited by Lemonpie at 4:02 pm on Mar. 5, 2004)
  2. Lil Toker

    Lil Toker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    I'm gonna say....

    Lilly, Lilly n Lilly.

    Nah Just Kidding.

    1st... Mellow

    2nd... Herbie

    3rd... Solo

    Good Luck

  3. GhostDog

    GhostDog Begun Flowering

    1st - Joint Effort

    2nd - Mellow

    3rd - Lil
  4. stickifingers

    stickifingers Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I can only view a couple under Solo's thread!
  5. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Pretty tough to chose

    heres my vote!

    1st-Joint Effort


  6. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    1st: herbsparky

    2nd: joint_effort

    3rd: lil_toker
  7. smotpoker

    smotpoker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    man its hard to pick.

    i'm gonna have to say


    2nd...Joint Effort

    3rd...lil toker
  8. The Dawg

    The Dawg Harvested Fat Sticky Bud


    1 herbsparky

    2 joint_effort

    3 mis sativa

  9. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    #1---JE, IMHO could be a winner in any photo contest. Great composition and it sends a message

    #2---Ms. Sativa, just cuase I'm fond of the mountains.

    #3---'sparky, great shot. I like the way it's sorta' "framed" in foilage

    ....all really good pictures, I've enjoyed every one.Thanks..
  10. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

    I chose these 3 because they remind me of home although Lemons pic made me drool

    1  herbsparky

    2 joint_effort

    3 Solo
  11. 420solo

    420solo Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Im gonna go with:

    1 mellow (it's just a great feeling pic)

    2 lil (really unique subject and great composition)

    3 joint (I like the obstacle message)

    (Edited by 420solo at 11:32 pm on Mar. 5, 2004)
  12. G4C2G0

    G4C2G0 Begun Flowering

    #1 joint..... its the best damn picture i`ve seen in a long time

    #2 herby ....great shot

    #3 mellow ..... got to like it.
  13. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    1st - Joint Effort (if GT420's submissions aren't part of it.. I liked those.. if they are then move each one down..)

    2nd - Lilly

    3rd - MellowDooD

    SMOKEYtheBEAR Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    My vote goes...

    1 - INDIGO - very powerful image me thinks.

    2 - KING MARIJUANA - hehe, i love talking to them old ladies at the busstop.

    3- HERBSPARKY - Beatuful place where-ever it is, or its a dump an' herb got the skills to make it look good.
  15. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    1 LILLY 2 SOLO 3 joint ......................
  16. King Marijuana

    King Marijuana Developed Alternating Nodes

    LOL@Smokey im gonna go with

    #1 mellow

    #2 solo

    #3 herbie

    peace and love to all, great pics everyone
  17. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I like them all and am exercising my right to 'not' vote. I just can't make my mind up which is best really. They're all so good. :smoke2:

    Thanks to everyone that has voted for my pic. I really don't want any of the prizes since I am shuting the grow if by chance I do end up with something I will donate to a charitable cause. :bigok:
  18. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    yea Herb I liked yer pic too but I wanted to vote for others..

    **** man you could grow bagseed and put someone in a coma.. So you don't need beans. :LOL:
  19. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    :roll: Don't ya worry Clay...someday soon I will be back, and may just have to start out with bagseed again. :lmao: Think of walkin' around tendin' sheep droppin' bagbeans along the way. :cheesy: Being so far away from the Pacific Northwest I will have to GROW my own forest. :sun:
  20. Abomb

    Abomb New Sprout

    lets see...




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