War on the Homefront

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Sylent Skull, Mar 23, 2003.

  1. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Notes From An Armchair Warrior: Prelude to Battle

    March 19, 2003 18:00 hours During a routine reconnaissance mission to dining room, I manage to locate three cheeseburgers, two portions of fries and four Budweisers. Within ten minutes, these potential weapons of mass abdominal eruptions are effectively neutralized.

    18:30 Begin slow redeployment back towards command post in the living room.

    18:53 Successful completion of eight-yard return to command post.

    19:05 Channel 82 confirms solid evidence that Urkel may be engaging in activity that may threaten the lives of others.

    19:29 Urkel threat thankfully appears to have been successfully prevented without me having to get out of my chair.

    19:58 Routine surveillance of the kitchen reveals seven Twinkies, a bag of Oreos and 283 pretzels -- all of which surrender unconditionally.

    20:17 False alarm. Fear of encroaching drone actually turns out to be Joe Liebermann giving a speech on C-SPAN.

    20:35 Six bags of Cheetos, three Budweisers and nine Hershey bars make surprise attack within my field of operation. They are seized immediately.

    21:06 Pressed the remote 607 times in the last hour. Fingers are already beginning to show the strains of battle before the first shot has even been fired.

    22:00 After months of squirming, wiggling and fidgeting in my chair the President gives the go-ahead for war. Time to order a pizza.
  2. boxman

    boxman Begun Flowering

    DUDE!!!! Now thats how to fight a war dude!
  3. Budweiser 3

    Budweiser 3 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    only thing missing is a:beer::ebert:
  4. Mrs B

    Mrs B Guest

    Sounds like the troops are busy loading the Vomit Catapult.
  5. Waitingfortheson

    Waitingfortheson Full Flowering

    LOL! I needed that man! thanx.

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