Watch out, bald men

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by SuperMoChombo, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    Your head is full of gold, and someone might need it more than you need your head.

    This, by the way, is not so far from the Seychelles.

    "..."The belief is that the head of a bald man contains gold," said Afonso Dias, a police commander in Mozambique's central Zambezia province."

    You can have your pretty islands, thanks. I'll keep my head full of gold.

    :eyes: there are some seriously loony people out there. I just skimmed the article but looks like there is some kind of religious crap thrown in the mix to further horrify. Lets take our mind-numbing (literally for some bald guys) stupidity and call it RELIGION.
  2. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Well then I'm glad I can return this damn thing.
    SuperMoChombo likes this.
  3. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I guess I am safe. Since 1986 i cut my hair once as far as length went and that was due to brain sugery.

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