Weed Falling from the Sky

Discussion in 'Politics' started by GrassNGlass, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. GrassNGlass

    GrassNGlass Germinating

    I've heard of drones doing home delivery of marijuana but this really takes it to the next level: more than 20 pounds of weed came crashing into a family's carport! Maybe Santa Claus is real!
  2. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Wait, Santa Claus isn't real??? :roflmao:

    I wonder how they just drop off go? People have all sorts of bushes and trees, alot of stuff to get hung up on. They crash so much, why chance all that cash? 10 years from now they will have all the bugs worked out, prob get hookers delivered on bigger drones. :coolbounce:

    Oh, I just read it was a ultralight...:read2: I atill want my hookers dropped of by drones in 10 years thou....:roffl:
  3. GrassNGlass

    GrassNGlass Germinating

    Yeah, I think the drones handle lighter loads LOL Lucky the dog wasn't in the doghouse!

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